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What's The Biggest Pain Point You Have In Your Ot Practice?

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Hi everybody!

My name is Otto,

I'm a Computer Science Engineer currently doing research about the Occupational Therapists market, I'm trying to learn about the pain points you experience in your profession, in order to make an attempt to alleviate them using software.

I'm looking for whatever you consider to be the most troublesome issue you face on a daily basis on the practice of your proffession as a therapist. That one pain point you would love to get resolved as it will make you more productive.

What are your thoughts? What are the issues you face?

At the end of my research, if I find a group of OTs with a common problem willing to provide me with feedback about their needs, I will be trying to develop a solution for it on the form of a software product (probably a mobile application) that tightly fits the needs of OT practicioners and their day to day experiences, as it will be (ideally) developed under their guidance.

Thank you for sharing your experiences, have a nice and productive day!

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Hey guys, it seems nobody wants to participate...

I understand your time is important and limited, and it is not my intention to bother you or sell you something, in case you get to read this I will like to reassure you my sole intention is to identify problems occupational therapists face on a day-to-day basis that can be solved by software, and on that sense I will appreciate any input I can get from you.


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Hey Otto. You probably won't get many responses on this forum, as the readers are generally pre-OT students. They would likely be more interested in things that can help them get into OT school, rather than knowing the difficulties of day to day clinical work.


I would suggest approaching the provinical OT colleges (regulatory bodies) or the provincial OT associations or national OT association. You might get better responses there.

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Hey @MDwannabe02:


Thanks for your reply! I understand most of the users on the forum are students, however as some of them come here for advice about the carreer I was hoping to be able to reach some practicing OTs around here. Sadly it seems it's ot the case =(


I think I will follow your advice and try to contact the provincial OT colleges; good luck to everybody with their quest to get into OT school! Hopefully by the time they graduate I will have some tool to help them make their practice more enjoyable!



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