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Ot Transcript Question

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Hello everyone! I just had a question regarding the transcript for OT. Does a WD (withdraw) have any sort of affect on ones chance of getting into grad school? I currently have a full course load (5 courses) and one of the electives I took is very difficult and I have a feeling its going to drop my GPA. Do you guys suggest that I try to keep the course and not have a WD or to drop it?


Also, if the last 10 credits for OT does not fall within my last two years of undergrad, would they take my grades from second year to calculate my GPA?


Thanks for the support guys!

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This may vary based on the university, but when I applied to uOttawa, Queens and Western last year through ORPAS, they took into account my credits from second year (I'm pretty sure they ended up taking the average of my 2nd year winter semester and counted it as a course).  

Also, I'm fairly certain that a WD won't affect your chances.  Universities look at your GPA and your prerequisite courses.  As far as I know, they don't look over every single detail about your transcript. What will affect your chances is if you continue to take the course and it ends up lowering your GPA.  You could maybe raise your concerns with the prof and see if they have suggestions on what you can do to improve your mark. But realistically, if you don't need the course to get into grad school and you're fairly certain it will lower your GPA - then drop it. 

Hope this helps! 

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