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Retaking Courses - Anyone Tried This?


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Hey everyone, I'm thinking about retaking a course that I bombed back in 2013. I'm about to graduate, and unfortunately my school isn't offering the course during the summer. I called admissions and they assured me only courses taken during my degree will count towards GPA calculations.


However, I'm thinking I can take another course in the summer that is equivalent to the one I want to replace, i.e they're course exclusions. I emailed admissions and haven't heard back yet, but wondering if anyone's tried this or know someone who has? Thanks!

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Got a reply from admissions; for anyone in the future who's wondering, they said to enter the particulars in comment box, and to provide course descriptions so they can evaluate whether the courses are equivalent. Makes sense, but it's nice to get official confirmation!

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Do you know anything about retaking one of the 7 prerequisites? I did bad on one of them and I want to retake it. The rest of the 6 are pretty good just that one is bad. Would they use the higher grade between them if I retake it ?


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Do you know anything about retaking one of the 7 prerequisites? I did bad on one of them and I want to retake it. The rest of the 6 are pretty good just that one is bad. Would they use the higher grade between them if I retake it ?




My understanding is that the courses you took during your degree (even if these included prerequisites) would still be considered in your GPA calculation, regardless of whether you retook the same class after graduation. However, if you retake the class, you could use your higher mark in the prerequisites section of the application, as these aren't necessarily specific to the courses you took as part of your undergraduate degree (ie, some people took them in CEGEP, during undergrad, or afterwards). Hope that's clear :) 

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My understanding is that the courses you took during your degree (even if these included prerequisites) would still be considered in your GPA calculation, regardless of whether you retook the same class after graduation. However, if you retake the class, you could use your higher mark in the prerequisites section of the application, as these aren't necessarily specific to the courses you took as part of your undergraduate degree (ie, some people took them in CEGEP, during undergrad, or afterwards). Hope that's clear :)


Yes, this was another question I asked admissions. You can't re-take a class after graduating to replace a grade

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My understanding is that the courses you took during your degree (even if these included prerequisites) would still be considered in your GPA calculation, regardless of whether you retook the same class after graduation. However, if you retake the class, you could use your higher mark in the prerequisites section of the application, as these aren't necessarily specific to the courses you took as part of your undergraduate degree (ie, some people took them in CEGEP, during undergrad, or afterwards). Hope that's clear :)

I haven't graduated yet, I'm currently almost done my 3rd year undergrad. Would it make a difference? cause i retook one of my prerequisites course last  semester. 

Im also thinking of retaking another prereq this spring, if they do take the higher one.

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I think the idea is that you can always retake a prerequisite and have the second attempt count towards the prerequisite section of the application. However this same class that you retook can't replace a class that counted towards your undergrad GPA.

Example: You did really crappy in organic 1 during undergrad. You decide to retake it after you graduate and you do better. This new grade will be your new prerequisite mark but it will not have an effect on your cGPA (your cGPA will remain the same).


I hope I'm clear (and right)!

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