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I Want To Become A Ta (General Question)

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I can only speak for Mac becuase I went there, but TA postings are posted online on the department's website, usually under the "Job Opportunities" section, or on Oscarplus. Google "life science TA positions mcmaster" or something like that. As an undergrad TA, you usually have to meet a minimum grade in the course that you wish to TA in, submit your CV, your transcript, and a cover letter. In biology/life sci, there was a specific TA application form you have to include with your application that is also posted online, where you discuss your teaching experience and availability, etc. If you're deemed satisfactory, you'll go in for an interview. It is a good idea to email instructional assistants for the course you're interested in, who is more likely to be the person who does the TA hiring and selection, as opposed to the professor. This is true especially for large first-year courses (Bio 1A03, Chem 1A03, etc.)


Keep in mind that at Mac, there are not many TA positions available for undergrads. Grad students have to TA as part of their contracts, so many TA positions are reserved for them. Thus, TAing for courses with undergrad TA positions available are usually quite competitive to get.

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I went to Western for undergrad, and I found that almost all my TAs were grad students, so I would guess the process for becoming a TA differs significantly between schools. I think it's a good start to email your prof. They can either direct you as to how the process works, and the worst thing that could happen is they could turn you down (which is not a big deal at all) so go for it! 

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Thank you guys so much for this. Well I am actually in UofT and I applied to become a psychology TA. I ended with a 88 in Psych Part 1 and 97 in Psych Part 2 so hopefully thats good enough :/ 


In UofT I know some people who have gotten TA positions even in first year thats why I was confused but thank you so much for the help! Personally I asked some upper years and emailed the professor so I will see how that goes. Thank you again :)

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