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Guest Angela

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Guest Angela

Does anyone know how many people are placed on the waitlist this time?


Also, I read from previous posts that people were notified of their rank on the waitlist. Is there any way for us to find out this year?





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Guest mdjoe



May I assume that you have received a letter from MAC indicating that you have been waitlisted? (congrats??) Last year students were notified of their position on the waitlist. I believe the waitlist was 50 long. If the admissions department is not providing ranking this year is is likely because of what happened last year.


What happened last year?

The incoming class was supposed to be 108 and that is how many offers were sent out. Of course, some people did not choose Mac and as a result the waitlist was utilized (I don't know how far they went). The waitlist was only 50 long and the rest of the interviewees received letters saying that they were not selected. The 20 new spots opened at the end of the summer and the waitlist was exhausted before the class filled. That meant that people originally refused admission had to be contacted and offered a position. Wow, could you imagine the roller coaster of emotions these people would have experienced. I suppose MD admissions decided to make the waitlist longer and more ambiguous so the aforementioned scenario would not be repeated.


Anyways, being on the waitlist is pretty exciting because it suggests that you are in the top 1/2 or so of those interviewed.


approx. 400 people interviewed and 138 (or so) offers were mailed, some people will turn Mac down for other schools so you have an excellent chance.


Hope this helps


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Guest Angela



Yes, I've received my waitlist letter. You've got it right by putting the question marks after "congrats". I called the office to find out about my rank, but the lady told me that individual rank and length of waitlist will not given out.


Thanks for your encourging words! I read an earlier post from someone else who claimed that he has been placed on the waitlist three years in a row before. I don't know if my chances are as good as you said.


HOw did you that 138 offers were made? In the letter I received, it was written that a class of 128 was selected. From I understand (through gucio93's posts), Mac only gives out as many offers as the class size is.


By the way, they do mail you a notice of as spots become available right? I'm just getting paranoid that I might miss THE phone calls.



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Guest mdjoe

Isn't that interesting that they said the class size is 128. It appears that we are in the exact situation as last year. My understanding was that the government agreed to fund an additional 10 spots in our program for the incoming class bringing the size of the class to 138. Perhaps they haven't coughed up the funds to the school yet and MAC is playing the game of wait and see.


This is actually good news to people on the waitlist. Why?

128 people must say yes to MAC. Assume 30% (arbitrary) decline the offer because they received offers at more than one school. This suggests ~38 people off the waiting list are contacted just to fill the 128 spots. The government is pretty slow to move so it is likely the 10 extra spots won't be available to July-August. Some people on the waiting list will commit to other ventures during this time (e.g., Grad Work, Law School etc). You can see where I am going with this. When the 10 spots are available they will contact waitlisted people by phone.


I can't make any promises but I know last year we exceeded our waiting list of ~50 to fill the class. If you assume that they only used the waitlist then 178 (128+50) received offer letters out of ~400 that interviewed. Those odds aren't bad.


I know this is not of great comfort but i was in your position last year and I do understand how tough it is to wait. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you Orientation week.


Think positive


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Guest sydney

Thanks for your encouraging words...hopefully enough do decline and also, that the goverment actually adds those 10 spots sooner, rather than later...this is nasty....I had also heard that 138 were going to be offered...not even 2 months ago, I saw in the "Globe" a nice glossy pamphlet espousing MAC...they stated that they were increasing their medical school enrollement by 40%...how can they get away with that??? The only thing I can think of is that they are reverting back to the original number of 100...which again would make me think that 138 was the number...anyways, just babbling, trying to get rid of some of my anxiety...good luck to all, I'm going for a run!!



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Guest mario

Just wondering if everyone got the additional regiestration papers in with their waiting list letter. Is there anyone out there who really knows how quickly this waiting list moves, not considering the outcome last year (ie with additional spots being available in late summer)?

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Guest gucio93

It's really impossible to tell who quickly the waitinglist moves. It all depends on how quickly the applicants that receive multiple acceptances decide which school is right for them. It is only when this information is received that someone is taken off the list to fill their space. I know how awful it is to wait. But as you can imagine, the process is so variable from year to year that you'd need a crystal ball to be able to come up with a definitive answer. Good luck.

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Guest MDWannabe

It sure is a long and winding road! I have 2 questions:


1. Could one of the current Mac students shed some light on why the relative waitlist positions are not given out? There was some discussion of a problem last year but no specifics given.


2. What is the earliest someone on the waitlist could get a call? Could it happen before the first June 15 deadline if some of the offers are immediately declined?


Thanks for your help.

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Guest sydney

I called McMaster early this am and spoke directely with the coordinator, Helena. She would not tell me how many people were waitlisted, however she did say that they will hold strictly to the June 15th deadline for 2nd round offers (i.e., they will not contact anyone on the wait list, even if they are getting declines now) She stated that they would begin offering spots in the following week of June 17th.


I also asked her why they would not give out that information and she said "because we decided not to do that this year"...I pressed further, but all she would say is that this is in the best interest for "wait list management". Exactly what that means, I don't know.


So, don't expect calls until just under two weeks from now, we've been patient thus far, I guess it will be just a little bit longer...lots of people I know have been on the wait list and been offered a spot well before August...good luck!



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Guest mario

Thanks for sharing the info that you found out sydney. I guess we all have to just sit and wait for another two weeks. It's too bad that they decided against giving out the ranks on the waiting list on our letters. It would sure be nice to know whether we're near the top or the bottom.

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Guest Spidey

I too am wondering about the registration papers that were sent with the waitlist letter. I opened my package and of course, avoiding the actual letter, saw all the other papers and thought that I was in. Just wondering if anyone didn't get these papers in their letter. Is this usual practice of Mac to send these out with waitlist letters??

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Guest gucio93

Unfortunately, you must have missed my earlier posting somewhere on this forum. Indeed (as cruel as it is) it is Mac's policy to send out all the papers with waitlist letters (i.e. the packages for offers and waitlists look the same except for that darn letter). I suppose it is easier from the administrative point of view, b/c once you hear back from them, you can get right on it and send them the info they need. I'm sorry you had to go through the grief! Keep thinking positive thoughts!

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Guest MacLover2002

If anyone can answer these questions, may good Karma rain down on you forever:


- Does anyone have any statistics on how many waitlisted people were admitted in the past few years? (and were they admitted due to declined offers or added spots?)

- Even if Mac expects 10 spots to be added, isn't it somewhat cruel to put 89 people on the waitlist? I don't see how anywhere near 89 people could be given offers given a maximum of 10 spots added. Is there any chance of more seats being added???

- Would begging or pleading to the admissions comittee help make them more forthcoming with info? Don't answer that.

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Guest TimmyMax



At least 50 people were admitted off of the waitlist into Macmeds last year- and then they had to recruit extra people who'd initially been rejected to fill the last few seats. This I know for sure. Therefore, if you are on the waiting list, chances seem good that you will get in- 89 for last year's quota plus a possible 10 more seats equal good odds for happy news sometime this summer. Hope this helps! Stay positive! :)


Best of luck!


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Guest MDWannabe

Nice thought TimmyMax,


On the other hand, last year may have been quite an exceptional year. There were 20 additional spots added in the summer, so you could look at the 2001 wait list as really only being at 30.


To compare apples to apples, they are talking about adding 10 spots this year. Even so, the wait list is effectively 2.5 times as long as last year (79 vs 30). So, in the end, it really matters where you sit on that list! It's too bad that Sydney couldn't pry an answer as to why they had to do it this way; knowing our relative positions would be helpful towards planning the next three months.

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Guest MacLover2002

I don't ever want to sound like a whiner, so maybe I should keep my mouth shut. But it would be really really nice if the admissions committee would let everyone know their rank on the waitlist. Can you Mac med students put some pressure on them or something? Do the waitlistees need to go on strike?!? I'm kidding of course. But a lot of people are going to go through needless agony because of this, and I can't see a logical reason why they would do this. It just doesn't add up.

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey MDWannabe,


Interesting thought, but I knew the 50th person on the Mac waiting list personally and she was eventually admitted. While yes, it may have been (and sounds like it was) an exceptional year, let's all hope that it wasn't so that you waitlisters get a chance to strut your stuff this September! :)


Best of luck!


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Guest sydney

Just thought that I would try to shed some light on this topic since it seems to be a hot one!!


To be honest, I think that NOT providing rankings may actually be in the favour of those who are on the MAC waitlist (maybe your only choice) and truly want to go to Mac (it has now taken me 2 days to come up with this one...)...here's my take on things after chatting with a close friend of mine in the class of 2004...


Here's the scenario which a lot of applicants may find themselves...you get accepted to Queen's and Ottawa, but waitlisted at Mac...5th on the waitlist (your 1st choice)...are you going to eventually get into Mac? Yes, you know this as 5 for sure are likely to decline...are you going to hold out for McMaster, likely yes to that as well....


However, if you do not know your ranking on the list are you going to take the chance of declining both Ottawa and Queen's for a maybe at MAC? Even if Mac is your 1st choice...likely not right???


So guys, for those of us who have our eggs in one waitlisted basket at Mac, this is likely beneficial...right??


Now I had heard, not officially by anyone with 1st hand knowledge that 89 were on the list...this may not even be the case...when I called the office the other day they did not give out the number nor any explanations other than for "wait list management"...


So, maybe we can't quick our jobs yet...but hopefully soon....best of luck to all!!

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Guest dubliner

Even so, with all the justifications and circumlocutions that various people come up with to justify Mac's mysterious secrecy regarding waitlist rankings, I haven't heard anything that makes logical sense. It seems that as far as Mac is concerned, they would WANT to get that 5th-on-the-waitlist-1'st-choice-Mac person, but are virtually ensuring that he/she goes elsewhere because they have no idea whatsoever where they are. In my situation (and I have tried speaking and writing at length with various Mac officials), I would be setting myself up for a wasted year of extreme financial stress because I'd have to give up my job in order to remain on the waitlist (when I could be #89...or #10...). I can't see the justification at all, from either side. It would help us make an informed decision, and it would help Mac retain the people that want to be there. Now I have no idea where I am on the list, but I can't really take the chance and wait, so I'll probably have to move on and try again next year...


It seems unfair, unethical, and indefensible (IMHO). Lots of us (particularly if Mac is our only shot) have other lives that need attending to, and regardless of how "big a deal" or important getting into medical school is, some things can't be sacrificed when the decision isn't informed at all.


Ah well. Institutions will do what they will.


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Guest sydney



Don't give up...what sort of circumstances would lead you to say what you just did?? What if you are in the top 20 or 30 or even 40? You will likely get a spot in less than two weeks...


Yes, it sucks, but that's what we've been given this year for whatever crazy reason...I'm in the same boat as you, I have a full-time job currently, would need to organize finances/OSAP/dig into RRSPs potentially, etc...


Are you currently working, living far away from Hamilton, worried about finances, etc?? If medicine at McMaster is what you truly want, hang in there...don't take your name off that list, don't let their crazy games get to you...your name could be at the very top!!

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<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote>Quote:<hr> Here's the scenario which a lot of applicants may find themselves...you get accepted to Queen's and Ottawa, but waitlisted at Mac...5th on the waitlist (your 1st choice)...are you going to eventually get into Mac? Yes, you know this as 5 for sure are likely to decline...are you going to hold out for McMaster, likely yes to that as well....


However, if you do not know your ranking on the list are you going to take the chance of declining both Ottawa and Queen's for a maybe at MAC? Even if Mac is your 1st choice...likely not right???<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->


The thing is, one can hold a spot at Queen's or Ottawa until July 3rd while still waiting for Mac, if it happens to be his or her first choice. The only decision that has to made by June 14th is which acceptance to keep - he/she is free to remain on any waitlists until July 3rd, when the acceptance being held will become finalized.

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Guest dubliner

absolutely correct. Which makes life even better for those on the waitlist!


Everyone will probably send in provisional acceptances to hold their spot, so if you're on the waitlist, don't hold your breath too much until the first week in July!


Best of luck to everyone;



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Guest MDWannabe



Wow, it's reasoning like yours that makes you appreciate the power of group discussion! I never would have been able to imagine how NOT having our ranking would actually benefit US! I guess that I'm not the lateral thinker I thought was...anyway, I appreciate the positive spin, but I can't imagine that this was their reason for not providing the relative rankings. For the reasons expressed by Dubliner, this aspect certainly is of no benefit to the school, unless you assume that the school is better served taking applicants who will stay on the waiting list with other options available (ie they want to be at Mac no matter what the odds).


Notwithstanding all this, I am taking your advice, and am trying to relax!

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