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My intention follow up

Guest G8M8T

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I think the main reason why people want to know if any of the moderators are also members of the admission committees is because they want to establish how accurate the answers they are getting on this board are - not to make someone uncomfortable. I was absolutely shocked by gucio93's argument for closing the "My intention" thread. Following gucio93's reasoning - Lenin and Stalin devoted their entire lives to communism; it was therefore justified for them to repress ideas of others and to get rid of individuals they did not agree with. You might argue that people who do not agree with Ian's or gucio93's decisions can chose to go somewhere else to get their info. I would still strongly disagree. People in communist countries could have often chosen to move to more democratic countries. However, number of them rather chose to be oppressed by their governments because of the social ties they had to their countries. Ian and gucio93, you are doing an absolutely amazing job providing us with excellent information and I do feel a bit guilty for using the communist example to make my point - I am very much aware of how different the two examples are. However, I strongly believe that being able to deal with controversial issues through discussions serves us as a far better learning experience then learning to find solutions in making arbitrary decisions. Sure, an insulting post might come up in a heated conversation as a result. As physicians we will often face controversial situations and we will need to be able to handle them as delicately as possible. I believe that all of this is a great exercise for all of us.

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Guest sally2001

g8m8t, my friend,

let it go. this board is a privilege, not a right. i didn't follow your communist example, nor gucio93's reasoning to the letter, because, frankly, it wouldn't serve any purpose.

you're not going to win this argument and it's not a political forum. ian set this board up and any info the moderators post is based on their own generosity with their time. i would give that info more credibility than joe pre-med next to me who said "hey, did you hear what I just heard?". but you're right, it's not coming from the admissions committee, so they could be wrong too. anyway, relax about the whole thing. also, this board isn't meant to simulate a physician's life and staying away from controversial issues is definately a good thing.

good luck to you.

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Oh-my-gawd!!!!!!!!Sally ended with the phrase good "luck" ......... and you know what that rhymes with. SAVE US!!!! SOMEBODY MIGHT MAKE A LIMERICK!!!!!!!!!!! Quick, protect my virgin ears. Somebody lock down this thread before it happens.

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I really can't figure out what is going on around here lately..but it seems that the stress level has gone up a bit. What's up gang? midterms? pre-interview stress? all of the above?


Please have some respect for everybody on the board...I know you are all after information BUT may I remind you that:


1. This board IS NOT an OFFICIAL source of information for any school....moderators make no 100% claims for accuracy even those that ARE on admissions committees. If you want to know anything FOR SURE, call the admissions office of the school in question. That said, we like to think that our info is more reliable then Joe premed who heard something from his room-mate's best friend's sister's boyfriend's cousin's finance's half sister that got in three years ago...


2. All of the moderators are med students. That's it. No more, no less. We are all insanely busy people....if you think you're busy....well you haven't seen anything yet. We volunteer our time to try and help you out...we get nothing (zip, zero, nadda) for doing this. So everybody play nice! I know that we as moderators are very careful to respond 'diplomatically' to all posts regardless of what we really think when we read some of them....


3. We all are very interested in protecting the integrity of the board as a legitimate and helpful source of information...having watched the disintegration of a certain other pre-med board due to inappropriate posts we may be a bit touchy sometimes. While you may know what you meant, and your best friend may know what you meant...we are left with just the typed words and without other cues we can sometimes misinterpret things. And by legitimate we mean: providing advice from people who have been there not information to undermine the admissions process...


So, I guess my message comes down to this: don't expect perfection, be respectful to people that are volunteering their time to help you and think what your post sounds like to somebody that is reading the words with no other cues. We know you are stressed but sometimes you just need to RELAX....so, can we please, please, please discuss something more useful then conspiracy theories, secret lists that may or may not exist, imaginary 'lines' that may or may not have been crossed and the communist tendencies of various moderators ;) ?


Cause you know what? NONE of those topics are relevant to whether you are likely to get in...and seeing as none of us have any insight into them either...any discussion is just going to go in circles and people are going to start making personal attacks....and then its going to get ugly and the thread is going to get locked and people are going to be outraged and somebody will start a thread entitled "my intention: the follow up to the follow up" and this will keep going...and going....and going....



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I'm sorry. I just had to make an attempt at a final word on this. (I probably had a few too many tonight, and my wife just went to bed, so bear with me !?)


Oh my G--dness! I have literally been Laughing Out Loud reading this wacky thread. I hope you all were too!


Such a strange and awkward medium. And such a strange and wacked-out bunch we are. This is the only message board (or whatever you call these things) that I've ever been on, and I for one am glad to see a little bit of real emotion. It lightens up some of the time here. Makes me laugh.


I really have to thank IAN and all the moderators for making my day today. This place is great!




PS Aneliz - I can't tell if you meant that last post to be so humorous, but it was a perfect comedic culmonation! Thanks.

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Guest MDin2006

This is crazy...don't the rest of you applicants have midterms to study for? If anyone is feeling stressed (and based on the messages that were posted over the last couple of days, I think a lot of you are) go out, have a beer, just relax and let this inane debate end.:smokin


By the way....thanks for the laughs....I've read all of the messages in the locked down threads.....you guys are jokers!

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Yes my last post was an attempt at humour...see how difficult it is to guage someone's true intentions sometimes? While I meant what I said, I also wrote that post to try and show what a ridiculous and pointless and outright crazy discussion this was.


The End. (hopefully....unless anybody else is dying to have the last word??)

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