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How did you do on your interview?

Guest wileycoyote

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Guest wileycoyote

In another thread, some people mentioned that they had a pretty poor interview experience, yet got accepted to the program...others said they thought they did great in the interview, but ultimately got rejected. I think these were mostly UWO observations.


I was wondering if people who have gone through the Mac interview process had any similar observations...

i.e. bad/stressful interview == acceptance, easy going, relaxed interview == rejection.





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Guest MDWannabe

I don't think there's a clear answer to that question. During orientation week this year, many people talked about their interview experiences. Some had a great time, some came out in tears. I'm sure you know people who always come out of exams feeling poorly yet performing well. So I think it depends partly on how you can honestly evaluate your own performance, and partly on how you fared against others who were interviewed. The latter component is obviously out of your control. The bottom line is that it is pretty hard to tell one way or the other based on how you felt walking out.


Good luck, in any case!

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi MDWannabe,


I just thought of something cute, given your comment re: successful students' reports of their Mac interview. Given some of Mac's tenets with respect to selecting meds students, perhaps the interview process should include an assessment/debriefing of how the interviewee honestly thought they did during the interview--you know, really get at that realistic self-appraisal?!! For one, it may feel a little less contrived than the team interview!




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Guest MDWannabe

Hi Kirsteen,


I know you meant that comment as a joke, but I do agree that it would be in keeping with the Mac style. And just in case you were serious, I'd say that the self assessment thing would seem contrived wherever you put it in the interview process, because it's just not a natural thing to do in most of the real world. They want to get a sense of whether you can do it comfortably (because it really is an important skill to have when you are out practicing), but I'm not sure they expect your skill level to be high at this point (at least in terms of doing it the Mac way). Hopefully this is one of the many skills you would gather at Mac.


Cheers, and good luck. I enjoyed your many posts over the last year!

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