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Letters are on their way!!!

Guest mumfirst

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Guest mumfirst

The final hour approaches. I couldn't help myself...I just called Mac and was told that the interview invites and rejection letters were all sent out together in yesterday's mail. So.... some of us should be receiving the news tomorrow. Too bad there isn't a chat room on this forum - I'm sure most of us will be up all night!! :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin


Good luck to all!

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Guest nicolekavita


Thanks for the update. I don't know if being aware that they are "out there" make me more nervous or puts me a bit at ease:\

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Guest macdaddyeh

Thanks mumfirst!


For those in the horseshoe region we should get those letters maybe even as early as tomorrow!


Whether it is good news or bad (and let's hope it's the former) it will simply be a relief to know that I've got that letter telling me what's up!



Thanks again mumfirst;)

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Guest Tanya24

Thanks so much for posting this information! It gaves me a chill in my stomach, but better to get the letter and be done with it at this point! Good luck.

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Guest Tartuffe



Is ottawa part of the horseshoe region. My stomach is now really sick, just knowing that everything is coming to an end...


It is gonna be very hard to open the mailbox in the upcoming day(s).


Bonne chance a toi, laisse moi savoir tes resultats (bon ou mauvais)... cela m' a fait plaisir de faire ta e-connaissance :)

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Guest macdaddyeh

Tartuffe (et al.):


The term "horseshoe" typically refers to the area encompassing Niagara Falls, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Burlington etc....all just outside the GTA (greater Toronto area). They are so named because their shape and distance make a horseshoe-like shape around the lake.


C'est un plaisir faire votre e-connaissance aussi. Je veux te souhaiter bonne chance. Entre quelques jours nous saurons si c'est bonnes nouvelles ou non!


Jusqu'a l'arrivee...


Let's hope the impending snow storm doesn't delay mail delivery (applicable to southern ontario tonight only).

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Guest jmh2005

I just wanted to send all of you 'die-hard' posters a big, fat GOOD LUCK!!! May the postperson (is that what they call them now??) bring you all larger envelopes!!!!


...Just keep in mind that if the news that you get isn't what you hoped for, life is not over. There are so many well-qualified applicants many of whom would make great Physicians that don't get interviews. Lots of people in my class applied a few times (including myself...) before being successful...as someone said in an earlier post, if this is what you are absolutely determined to do...you will do it!!!


Anyways, whatever happens, at least the dreaded waiting will be over for now....best of luck to all you!! Take care!

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Guest shelleyrn

...I had resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't be receiving a "yeah" or "nay" until next Monday(I am OOP) as someone had posted that the letters wouldn't be sent out until tomorrow (Wednesday-ish), or there abouts....and then I saw this post..........:rollin :eek


Can't say that the next few nights will be very conducive to sleep...ahem...not that the last few months have been either..........GOOD LUCK everyone!!!!!! Shelley

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Guest mumfirst

You are all so very welcome. :) I just had to know. I live out in the country and when I see that post office car stop, deliver and put the red flag up on our mailbox, I rush out to check for the envelope. This morning, I just about had heart failure when I opened the mailbox and saw a large brown envelope at the bottom of the pile!!!!!! Alas, it was just my "your million dollar cheque might be enclosed" envelope - you know the one from Reader's Digest. :lol


Just one more sleep (or maybe two)!!! Good luck all, I am sure we will all be talking tomorrow!!!

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Guest macdaddyeh

but no package! Despite the heavy snow, my mail lady was earlier than ever at 0900 am! Anyways, no Mac letter today:\ Maybe tomorrow?


Anyone else with news?

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Guest Nightrider

I have been so sure that I wouldn't receive an interview from Mac...but now that I know they're coming I can't help being nervous. Oh well, I am trying to stay realistic...and to remember my sister's not-so-good experiences with Mac nursing...AAAAAAAAAAAAH


Sure hope the mailman brings something today...but I've got to wait until THREE this afternoon.


Good luck to all.

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Those of us in SW Ontario are waiting anxiously as well... I imagine they'll be here either later this week or early next week... gulp. I'll be sure to post when I've received my response.

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The mail had come and gone here in Waterloo with no news from McMaster. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow. Good luck to everyone and congrats to those who have heard good news!!!!!!!

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Guest Koggetsu

I think the people who are rejected get their letters earlier? cause i received my rejection letter today!

Is it true that over 3800 people applied to Mac this year?

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Guest Guess whoz Bizzak



could be true my friend. I remember last year when they were sending out acceptances and rejections/waitlists post-interview, the rejections got their letters before the acceptances. Maybe coincidence, but maybe not. Yeah, they had an inordinate amount of applicants - definately in the order of 3800. Gotta roll with the die I suppose :rolleyes Very sorry to hear about your rejection though-I wish you all of the best with your other avenues!



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Guest macdaddyeh

I've been watching your posts the last few months, and was rooting for you too!


I think you are applying elsewhere though, is that right?


Finally, may I ask the region in which you live?

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Guest GI Jenie

Gee, I wonder when the letters will get to BC - I'll probably have to wait until FRIDAY!!!!


Oh well, good luck to everyone....hopefully I'll be able to post a "yahaaa" message too, but we'll see.



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Guest Jbird

I'm also on the Westcoast and waiting patiently (yeah right) for the postman to bring me some good news!

I'm actually thankful I'm back to work tomorrow for some much needed distraction.

Good luck to all!

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