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Thinking ahead

Guest macdaddyeh

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Guest macdaddyeh

Hi everyone:


I'm doing some thinking ahead (obsessing actually) and I'm wondering, for those who know, what the reject or acceptance letter will say in terms of giving a breakdown of grading/weighting for the interview day.


I ask, because on reflection I bombed the video portion; I wrote nothing for one part, but filled in other sections very well (sorry, I can't expand more, because divulging too much might be considered unethical:rolleyes ).


I've heard that in past years the adcom will mail those who don't get in and tell them that they did well on section X, badly on section Y, etc. perhaps with a breakdown. Is this true?


PS. Sorry to all those who have to wait out through this freak storm:\

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Guest jmh2005



As far as I know, if you are waitlisted or offered admission, you will never receive feedback. If you get rejected outright, I don't know if the feedback is given immediately or if you must request it...last year, those who were rejected did get feedback, I just don't know when...


Anyone else know what Mac does with feedback for those who receive interviews?



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Guest tirisa

Hey Macdaddyeh,


No te preocupas tanto!!!... you've had such a great attitude about the whole interview process so far, and have been such a positive spirit to so many other applicants, so I just wanted to tell you to hang in there and try not to overanalyze your interview too much. From what sooooo many med students/applicants have said in the past, it's really difficult to know how every aspect of your interview went, and many who think they did great don't necessarily get in, while others who think they did terrible make it on the first round...


Plus, the video component is only one small part of the interview. Everyone who does it is under the same stress, and I'm certain that some people will pick up on certain emotions in the video, while others pick up on different ones, so try not to focus on that.


(I know this is easier said than done, particularly since I didn't even interview this year)... however, I still think you may have kicked some royal a** in your interview and blown them all away.


Anyway, I'm rooting for ya... buena suerte.



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Guest macdaddyeh



Me olvide que hablas el idioma mas bonito del mundo--el espanol! Gracias por tu nota! Your kind words are much appreciated. You are right in that I am in "reflect and analyze" mode, and it's agonizing. Other people keep telling me not to worry about the video as well. Since nobody knows the secret of the collation and weighting processes, one could argue that indeed Mac does look at the "whole picture" and what's one slip up on the wee video portion?


Take care (cuidate),



PS...Just came down with serious sinus infection:rolleyes ; looks like another late term paper!

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Guest peachy

A friend of mine emailed Mac and was told that this year _nobody_ would receive feedback, contrary to what has been done in past years (where applicants rejected after the interview were indeed given separate percentile rankings on each portion of the interview). Too bad. I would have very much liked to know if I was close to getting an interview or not, but whatever.


The exact text of the email was as follows:


Dear (applicant name removed):

Unfortunately, we are no longer providing percentile rankings. As stated in your letter:


"Please be aware that due to the very large number of candidates, we are unable to provide feedback information regarding your application."


Thank-you for your interest in McMaster's Medical Programme and good luck.


Mary-beth Ribble

It would be interesting if a Mac student could give us some idea of why this change was implemented - there must have been a reason.

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Guest tirisa



Wow, that's unfortunate that admissions are no longer able to provide percentile rankings. I was also hoping to get an idea of where I ranked in the group, and understood (from an earlier thread) that we would be able to find out after June. I guess that's no longer the case. |I


Anyway, it would be great if one of the moderators could confirm that, so we don't all start pestering the admissions office.




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Guest macMDstudent

I think the reason is that because there are more applicants than ever before and it would bog things down in the admissions office; and secondly that too many applicants in the past have called or written to complain about their scores. This creates more work in the admission office to reply to these concerns, but more importantly creates the difficult task of dealing with conflict.


If Mary-Beth wrote that message, I'm sure that is the policy and it will not bend. They also changed the policy in the past couple years that you could call or show up in person at the admissions office on May 31 and have them tell you right away if you were accepted. They will no longer do this, you have to wait until your letter arrives. Don't even bother trying!


Last year, I heard the unsuccessful applicants received their scores in September, after we had started the program. The year before, the rejection letters received in the dreaded "thin letter sized envelope" on May 31 included the scores. I know because I got one!


The areas scored by percentile rank, of all those who interviewed were: grades, auto-sub, personal interview and simulated tutorial. I'm sure you all know that you had to be one of the top 400 based on 50% grades and 50% auto-sub to get an interview. My understanding (not official!) is that the top 50% of interviewees on combined personal interview and simulated tutorial make the short list. Those top 200 people are then given a final score based on 25% grades, 25% auto-sub, 25% interview, 25% tutorial. The top 138 scores get in. You have to do well on interview day to get to the final stage, even if grades and autosub are very high. Again, this is just my understanding not necessarilly the way it really is.


You have to ask yourself what would you do with those scores anyway? If you get in, who cares? I don't know mine from this past application. If not, what can you do about it? The interview and simulated tutorial could go any which way on a given day. Sure it helps to practice but you don't want to be too rehearsed either! Your grades are your grades. As long as you are over 3.0 you truly have a shot. The only thing is the auto-sub. From the ones that I read, and knowing how much I worked on mine the second time around, they ALL could be better! So even if you don't have your scores, try to improve your autosub if you end up needing to apply again.


Best of luck to all. You have all been affected by a truly strange set of circumstances, but remember a Mac student learns to adapt!

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Guest tirisa

Hi Macmdstudent,


Thank you so much for sharing with us the information about getting feedback. I'm sure admissions will be greatly relieved to not have to repond to complaints and queries about rankings.


And you're right about whether the knowledge of my ranking would change things. I guess I would have liked to know where I stood in the applicant pool, but regardless of whether I was in the 60th or the 1st percentile :eek , I would still be doing my utmost to improve my application for next year.


Anyway, thanks again for the info, and best of luck to you as well.



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