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Interview Thread 2017/2018

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Hey guys, dont be alarmed, nothing has come out yet (I dont think). I was just thinking we could all post what our grades/DAT scores/ECs and where we applied. We can always update/edit when and IF we get interviews. I'll start:


GPA: 3.96




I applied to UofT/McGill/Western/UBC/ and also Dalhousie. 

My EC's arent that insane I just do a a couple of volunteer research positions at my school and I work part time at a bubble tea shop


Good luck to everyone out there!



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Hiya everyone!


I'm in my 5th year of undergrad and here are my stats. I know they're not the best but one can hope right??


GPA: 3.69

RC: 19

AA: 20



Applied to: Sask, Manitoba, Alberta, UBC, and UfT


EC: Competitive Swimming for 15 years, Manager at a Thrift Store, have an iPhone app with 10,000+ downloads, and have 1 published paper in a student journal.


P.S. If its OK, would anyone be willing to chance me on this thread or PM me?

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1 hour ago, Fellatio Fred said:

Hiya everyone!


I'm in my 5th year of undergrad and here are my stats. I know they're not the best but one can hope right??


GPA: 3.69

RC: 19

AA: 20



Applied to: Sask, Manitoba, Alberta, UBC, and UfT


EC: Competitive Swimming for 15 years, Manager at a Thrift Store, have an iPhone app with 10,000+ downloads, and have 1 published paper in a student journal.


P.S. If its OK, would anyone be willing to chance me on this thread or PM me?

Like maybe 3 or 4?

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