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Cut in Quebec Med School Spots


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18 minutes ago, Heisenberg_ said:

Does this impact OOP or just IP?

It's unclear, but my hunch would be that it is localized to IP seats because the Quebec health minister is more worried about the potential oversupply of physicians in Quebec. Caveat, there is interprovincial mobility, but I do not feel this announcement would impact OOP quota.

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If we look at the number of admitted students in the past few years:

2+ years ago, when no cuts were made, McGill accepted around 75 Med-P's and 93 IP University candidates. Although the cuts were only announced in the past few months, it seems that last year's admissions were already affected by this, with only 71 Med-P's and 83 IP University candidates. This shows a more dramatic cut for the IP University-level pool, and no cuts were made to OOP's.

This year, this same trend is maintained. OOP's will have the same playing field. Med-P's won't see any reductions either, still at 71 spots. IP University is now down to 79. I would imagine that it will probably go down to 75 next year and stay there for the time being.

In short, OOP's and Med-P's don't really see any change. Almost all the impact is on IP University-level candidates.

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3 hours ago, SunAndMoon said:

How do we know it is the IP spots that are decreasing this year as well?
Also, do the varying numbers reflect the # of ppl in the class or the # of ppl admitted within a given cycle (a high number of deferrals in one year could be reflected by a decreasing number)?

«Dès la rentrée [de 2017], un total de 17 étudiants de moins que l’an dernier seront admis dans les quatre facultés de médecine de la province. Ensuite, de pareilles diminutions sont à prévoir pour les deux années suivantes, afin de réduire jusqu’à 51 le nombre d’admissions d’ici trois ans selon les universités.»

However I read somewhere they would cut 89 spots in total? Can someone confirm or correct me?


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33 minutes ago, SplendidBrain said:

«Dès la rentrée [de 2017], un total de 17 étudiants de moins que l’an dernier seront admis dans les quatre facultés de médecine de la province. Ensuite, de pareilles diminutions sont à prévoir pour les deux années suivantes, afin de réduire jusqu’à 51 le nombre d’admissions d’ici trois ans selon les universités.»

However I read somewhere they would cut 89 spots in total? Can someone confirm or correct me?


It's quite inconclusive.. a lot of different sources point to different magnitudes of the reduction. 

Your link shows 17 x 3 = 51 spots over 3 years. 

However, from looking at the AFMC admissions guide, Quebec has cut already 36 seats for Fall 2018. If this were to continue for 2 more years, a total of 108 would be cut:

  • Laval went from 228 spots to 218 spots (a 10-spot reduction). 
  • Sherbrooke went from 207 spots to 199 spots (a 8-spot reduction). 
  • Montreal went from 300 spots to 291 spots (a 9-spot reduction). 
  • McGill went from 184 spots to 175 spots (a 9-spot reduction). 
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2 hours ago, la marzocco said:

It's quite inconclusive.. a lot of different sources point to different magnitudes of the reduction. 

Your link shows 17 x 3 = 51 spots over 3 years. 

However, from looking at the AFMC admissions guide, Quebec has cut already 36 seats for Fall 2018. If this were to continue for 2 more years, a total of 108 would be cut:

  • Laval went from 228 spots to 218 spots (a 10-spot reduction). 
  • Sherbrooke went from 207 spots to 199 spots (a 8-spot reduction). 
  • Montreal went from 300 spots to 291 spots (a 9-spot reduction). 
  • McGill went from 184 spots to 175 spots (a 9-spot reduction). 

Thanks for the info! I saw you already started a thread on the topic: 


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19 hours ago, Bambi said:

Life continues to become more competitive.

And wait until you enter med school and are applying for residency! The competition is unbelievable. In Quebec, the government cut spots drastically in some cases, e.g., when I entered med school, McGill had 13 residency spots for OBS-GYN, it then was reduced to 8, by the time it was my turn, it was reduced to 3! Our entire future career depends upon matching at CaRMS, ideally for our first choice. I applied to 3 different fields where I felt I could be happy and got one of them. It is quite the lottery. Then, there is the issue of finding a job after residency, or doing fellowship(s). The competition continues and becomes stiffer as we progress.

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