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GPA question! I am applying to PT everywhere in Ontario (except Ottawa). My CGPA is 2.08 due to an awful transcript from about ten years back. My sGPA is 3.98 from me working my ass off for the past few years. I know most schools are mostly concerned with the sub, but don't explicitly say on their websites how much the cumulative is taken into consideration, if at all. I was wondering if anyone knows how much the cumulative might impact my application. The only school I know of as of now that considers it is Queens. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 


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I think the only school that uses cGPA is Queens and with a 2.08 I probably wouldn't spend the money applying. As far as I understand, every other school only looks at your sGPA, so, with a 3.98 you seem to be in pretty good shape! Hope this helps. Good luck!:)  

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