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UofT PA 2018 intake (current applicants)

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if people would like to share their stats, and support each other through this anxious period

1) undergrad major

2) careers/experience

3) GPA

4) first/recurrent applicant


about me.

1) life science major, completing second undergrad 

2) clinical research assistant/coordinator

3) first degree: 3.2, second degree 3.89 

4) first time applying, applied to MAC also


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Hi miniimufin! 

McMaster, University of Manitoba and UofT has produced infographics of their successful PA candidates for September 2017 intake (last year's successful applicants) which are viewable on their social media accounts. 

We've also posted it here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.2005668702804863

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I interviewed for PA at UofT May 1st. 

1) Honours Bachelor of Physical Health and Education (Health Promotion) and MSc in Exercise Physiology.

2) 9 years as a Kinesiologist, mostly working with cardiac and pulmonary rehab patients in an outpatient hospital department. Also a part-time professor at a local college for a number of years. Experience with injured workers, low income/homeless population and disabled individuals. I'm also francophone and from Northern Ontario. Research experience through my MSc for my own thesis and helping out other students with their projects.

3) GPA - 3.74 in my undergrad.

4) First time applying, the suspense is unbearable!!

Good luck everyone! I heard rumors at the interview that we may find out before May 15th, fingers crossed!

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Sweet! I was quite excited when I got my offer and then felt a bit crushed when I saw that recall email. Lots of rejections over the years from medical schools etc, so feels quite good to get an acceptance. Hopefully see you in Toronto in September!

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I've been working full time for almost 7 years as a Kinesiologist for a hospital rehab department, so that's probably over 10 000 hours. I'm a case manager for patients with heart and lung conditions, taking medical histories, consulting with physicians, prescribing and leading exercise programs, doing exercise testing, etc. This is very much a second career and so I didn't get this job or get my undergrad (BPHE) with PA in mind, but it served me well for applying to this program. Hope that's helpful! 

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I also had a lot of hours 10,000+, although more in social services, but I had to administer medications, arrange appointments, and I was the medication coordinator for a group home with about 15 employees. Keep trying Samy. The longer you work in the healthcare field the more experience you get and it also gives you something to draw on for the MMI. I used actual situations or experiences from my occupation for at least half my answers. 

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Hello there

Yeah my application says under review but based on my past experience as I am applying second time now. I did not get any offer last year as well by May 15 and they updated Refused the day after.

I hope its helpful


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Hello Charles all the best!!! I believe they may send a wait list, it is a possibility. I called them this morning and they have said they would continue to send till Friday. My health care hours are not so competitive so I believe I need to gather more and apply third time next year and so on till they take me lol :)

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