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Panel vs MMI this weekend

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Without going into detail or revealing anything about this weekend's interviews, did anyone have a preference for the panel interviews vs the MMI portion? I felt stronger in the panel interviews and am entirely unsure of how I did on the MMI portion. I am wondering if anyone felt the same way, or conversely if there are others who felt the MMI was easier and more enjoyable for them?

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Now I'm wondering if the majority of people had an easier time with the panel interviews...

As we were leaving the MMI circuit, I said to someone in my group that I found the MMI to be much harder than the panel and this person replied with "oh did you?" LOL. Oh. Thanks. I was hoping for reassurance or a "yeah that was challenging".

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8 hours ago, sp4168 said:

Now I'm wondering if the majority of people had an easier time with the panel interviews...

As we were leaving the MMI circuit, I said to someone in my group that I found the MMI to be much harder than the panel and this person replied with "oh did you?" LOL. Oh. Thanks. I was hoping for reassurance or a "yeah that was challenging".

I also feel that panel interviews are a bit easier for me, because I have already reflected on my experiences and I know myself quite well. But different individuals have different strength :) . MMIs really challenge your critical thinking and problem solving skills, which can be a lot of fun.

Your feelings after the MMIs are not very accurate, so even though you might have felt the MMIs were challenging, you might have shared your though process and why you felt the questions were challenging/complicated with the interviewer!!  In my opinion, MMIs mainly test how you communicate  and your ability to speak about your thought process/complexity of prompt in stressful situation. 

Best of Luck :)

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