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Post Graduate Certificate/ Master's program

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Hi All,

After receiving feedback from unsuccessful applications to PT school. It has been suggested to me that I pursue a post graduate certificate or masters course based program of some sort, prior to re applying to PT school again. 

Has anyone heard of this before? And if so, what certificate programs, or Master programs have you taken or suggest?


Any information is helpful. Thanks!

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For 2 years, I did a “Post Graduate Major” in Classical Studies (not too difficult but was something I had a side-interest in). The universities treat the classes like any undergraduate degree in terms of the last 20 half credits. Just ensure you’re taking the required upper level courses for the major or speak directly with the schools you’re applying to PT for to ensure there’s no issue with having some lower level courses part of your sub GPA.  I didn’t have a backup plan if I did not get into PT and Classics was certainly not leading to job opportunities. If you pick something you like and can get high marks in, that would be my suggestion but if you’re unsure, you could always looking into course based masters (I have had friends pursue Public Health etc) with better job outlook if you’re unsuccessful.  PM me if you’d like for more info. 

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This is something that a couple profs from my university recommended for those who wanted to go into PT, OT or med but didn’t like their odds. They have been a part of med school selection committees and said it is something that is looked very highly upon. So it might be worth it if you can find a program that works for you. 

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