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Completed prerequisites

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Does anyone know if we should upload our unofficial transcripts to Macdocs once we finish a PT prerequisite?

The reason I ask is because I contacted other PT schools and they said not to do so because you’d get a conditional offer anyway. 

Also, should we be mailing McMaster the official as soon as possible? Or do we wait for a conditional offer?

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1 hour ago, sd93 said:

Does anyone know if we should upload our unofficial transcripts to Macdocs once we finish a PT prerequisite?

The reason I ask is because I contacted other PT schools and they said not to do so because you’d get a conditional offer anyway. 

Also, should we be mailing McMaster the official as soon as possible? Or do we wait for a conditional offer?

If you're referring to the most recent email they sent regarding this, they sent a following email to ignore it because it was sent by mistake. 

I think generally, you upload a transcript if you get an offer, which you'll only really know on May 18.

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Yes, I saw your response before about that email being a mistake. Thank you!

I was more just wondering about what to do in general (regardless of that email) since no other schools seem to have anything like Macdocs. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw that, thanks for the heads up! I'm going to send mine asap since I wasn't finished my anatomy/physiology requirement when I applied, and since I come from the arts I think they'd really want to see I've completed them.

You're probably right that it can technically wait, but no harm in sending them in soon so they can see that you're on top of things.

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