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summer opportunites

Guest sassy101

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Guest sassy101

I am hoping to get a little information ( should I be accepted this year ) on what employment opportunities are available for the summer and what sort of pay one can expect? I do not come from a very wealthy family and have to start thinking about how I will finance my education. There is the obvious loan ( and some debt is to be expected ), however the interest can be a killer when the debt load gets large. I am toying with the idea of the burseries, but as kosmo has mentioned they are not as lucrative as they used to be. Therefore, how much can one expect to make in the summer as a lab assistant to a researcher etc. Any info is greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest saskmedman

Just wanted to add here that the RBC has a very good line of credit set up just for medical students. This was established last year around this time by the CFMS and gives medical students up to $120,000.00 plus a whole bunch of other bonuses (free banking, gold Visa, etc.) It definitely helps, trust me.

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In Regina, there's also an Externship Programme you can apply for (I'm sure something similar is available in Toontown), you rotate between different specialties, like Family, Emerg, Psych, Surgery, Obs/Gyn, Radiology, Paeds... there's more, can't remember the list completely - whatever specialties you want, for basically how long you want. Usually they take students between 2nd and 3rd year. The pay's not bad, $9.55 an hour for the chance to practice clinical skills, explore options, see the squeaky-clean, brand-new hospitals, connect with profs/physicians and play doctor to your heart's content! (Subject to competence and legal restrictions. :) )


Edited for accuracy

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Guest saskmedman



You would think there are externships in Saskatoon, seeing how we have the college here and all, but unfortunately there is no externship program, such as the one you are currently doing in Regina (I think I know who you are!) You can do externships in Regina, which about 12 people from my class are doing and at least one "queen." You can also do externships in beautiful rustic rural Saskatchewan, or other provinces if you're mental.


I would also like to recommend a job I took after first year which was cadaver prosection for the department of anatomy. It was a blast and I learned tons more anatomy than I did in class. It's definitely worth it, and you get used to the smell fast. It's just your familly that doesn't seem to adjust well!

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