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    • Is there any group chat for WESTERN OT? Got off the waitlist on thursday (I was upper third) and accepted my offer through ORPAS on friday. Big congrats to everyone else this year who also got accepted!! This was my third time applying and I'm still in shock as my sGPA was definitely not the greatest. I took extra courses in the fall to boost my GPA while working full time and also did some research with Ophthalmologists as I work in the field. To those who were rejected this year - don't give up! 
    • I had the same problem - I went back took individual courses at any university as a "continuing education" student AND took a couple credits at Athabasca university (Online). 
    • I never had that feedback - however, I had strong soft skills, e.g., I was kind, enjoyed my work, was a hard worker, a team player. And it was these very attributes that got me a competitive surgical residency. You are obviously a good fit as a member of the team. I consider this feedback for you as positive comments and this 'networking' will be most valuable in securing a position upon completion of residency!  If you were considered a 'bad' resident, you would know it without question.  
    • Pas de réponse pour moi nn plus en grands animaux… C’est plutôt long🥲 en espérant que cette semaine sera la bonne !!
    • Hi! Just wondering what you did to boost your gpa? As I am already graduated and not sure what I can do to raise my gpa without doing another whole degree. Thank you so much
    • Il existe probablement déjà, peut-être même un serveur Discord. La rentrée, c'est quand même dans 3 mois, les choses ont le temps de s'organiser/changer.
    • I notice that my feedback in residency has been that I am "incredibly kind" or that I "enjoy" working with her... etc. How is that feedback helpful and do most women doctors get this kind of feedback over feedback about actual competencies ( ex. knowledge.. etc)?? Or does that kind of feedback mean that I am a bad resident, and people don't want to say??  
    • This is so true and totally accurate! I matched to a competitive surgical residency where I was the weakest candidate in terms of knowledge but I had great soft skills and was deemed to be "a good fit". Not one gunner was selected! I also applied to another competitive field where I had a publication, was a stellar candidate and a gunner. I think the potential returns for research/publications is small for the time and effort involved, and I wouldn't do it..
    • So this is the week - good luck everyone! 
    • Ce n’est pas StudiUM ni le centre étudiant. C’est un site spécifiquement pour les horaires de med vet. Voici le lien: http://www.apps.medvet.umontreal.ca/horaires/index.php?ref=siteweb  Vous aurez votre horaire plus vers la fin de l’été si c’est comme l’an passé!  
    • Unlike Med school admissions which tries to be more objective and numbers based, residency match is far more subjective. The number one factor that people talk about is “fit” which literally just means how well you fit into the residency group. To be competitive, put yourself out there, make connections, be nice to EVERYONE, and be a strong Med student.   The number 1 benefit of research is the connections you make, not the publications. Number 2 benefit is having something to show you’re interested in the specialty. Showing that you can actually do research and publish is less important than those first 2.  That being said, having 5 or so research “entries” (pubs, presentations, etc.) in the specialty will be golden for most programs. 
    • Does anyone know if the Mcmaster OT waitlist offers only come out tomorrow? Or if its throughout the week?
    • Salut, Moi et mon conjoint se cherchons un appart en vue de mes études en physiothérapie à l'automne prochain et je serais très intéressée à visiter ton logement si c'est possible !  Tu peux m'écrire en privée si c'est toujours disponible et je te donnerai mes informations pour qu'on se mette en contact   
    • Salut !  J'ai reçu une demande d'admission en physiothérapie à Sherbrooke pour l'automne prochain et j'ai des petits questionnements si quelqu'un est en mesure de me répondre 1. Les horaires ressemblent à quoi pour la première année ? De ce que j'ai compris c'est pas tellement nous qui font nos choix de cours, mais c'est plutôt les responsables du programme qui nous attribuent un horaire, donc je me demandais si on avait tous le même horaire et cela ressemblait à quoi ? 2. Est-ce possible de travailler durant la session ? J'ai une job à temps partiel (je travaille de la maison!) de soir que j'étais en mesure de maintenir lors de mon bac en kinésiologie, mais je me demandais si dans un programme comme physio c'était encore possible ? Je travaillais environ 21h/semaine. 3. J'ai vue dans un message plus haut que les "tutos se faisait la fin de semaine". Est-ce qu'on parle qu'il va y'avoir des cours la fin de semaine ou seulement que les travaux seront à compléter la fin de semaine ? Merci de votre aide! J'ai bien hâte de commencer l'automne prochain :)
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