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Guest cedar05

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Guest satsumargirl
Are you sure ottawa doesn't reject anyone?so basically everyone is waitlisted, either in the 'good' or 'bad' lists?


Yes, that is correct. If you interviewed you will not receive a rejection but either a good or bad waitlist. The idea behind the bad waitlist is to give you an idea of your chances so that you don`t pass up other offers waiting.


Anyone know if the French stream has 'good' and 'bad' waitlists? I couldn't see anything 'bad' in the waitlist message that they sent me.


I do not know if they divide up the French waitlist. Typically the French class fills quickly and the waitlist moves little. (since if you want to do med school in French anywhere other than Québec then this is your only option). That being said, I have heard a few students in my class that made if off the franco waitlist, so it is possible. But will move slower than the anglo side.



Hang in there !!



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Guest bluedna

I really hope the waitlist moves quickly. I was put on the "good" waitlist...but accepted to Western and Calgary. So I am going to have to conditionally accept one of their offers. Ottawa was right up their on my list though!

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Guest cpmcrry

I'm in a similar situation as you bluedna


I've been put on the "good" waitlist. I was accepted into Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland in March so I've already accepted their offer because of the timing. However, staying in Canada and going to Ottawa specifically is my first choice. I hope I get an answer soon so that I can start planning either way!


Good luck!

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Guest jeffpr

And for those of us in the military stream:


I wish to inform you that we are waiting for a final decision from the Canadian Forces in order to finalize our offer of admission list. We should be able to do the offers in a few days. Good luck to all of you in the admissions offers process. Nicole.


How jealous am I that everybody else got to post on the board yesterday, meanwhile I'm still in limbo. Good luck to the waitlisters and congrats to the acceptees, I hope you will be taking them up on those offers, I don't think there is a much better school than Ottawa.

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