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Western DMD program as a second degree app.

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I just graduated from my first degree in May2019 and will be starting my second under grad degree in fall 2019. I want to apply to western's dental program and was wondering if i'm eligible  for the upcoming cycle on the basis of my first degree???? or do I have to wait until my last year of my second degree to apply? 



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Congrats on graduating! You can def apply for the upcoming cycle with your first degree you just have to make sure you have taken the required pre-reqs that have posted on their admission site and have a competitive two-year GPA. Also, if dental school is your end goal I think you would be better off going for a Masters instead of doing another 4 year undergrad unless your grades were significantly lower than the average of those who matriculated into the program at Western. 

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1 hour ago, TheMolarBear said:

Western requires you to have completed a 4 year degree prior to the start of dental school. On top of that, you need the prerequisite courses. As long as you fulfill those requirements you should be good. You also need the DAT and some extracurriculars. Best of luck!

Awesome thank you! My gpa from my first degree is competitive enough.... so if I hopefully do get admitted, I don’t have to finish my second degree right?

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16 hours ago, MolarPower said:

Congrats on graduating! You can def apply for the upcoming cycle with your first degree you just have to make sure you have taken the required pre-reqs that have posted on their admission site and have a competitive two-year GPA. Also, if dental school is your end goal I think you would be better off going for a Masters instead of doing another 4 year undergrad unless your grades were significantly lower than the average of those who matriculated into the program at Western. 

Thank you! Do you know if I get admitted that I’ll have to complete the second degree still? Or nah

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2 hours ago, fluffybunnyyyyy said:

Thank you! Do you know if I get admitted that I’ll have to complete the second degree still? Or nah

I would assume you don't need to complete it (seeing as it would take 4 years anyways haha) but, I would give the admissions office a call you clarify for sure. They're usually really helpful with this kind of stuff. 

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