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Interview March 29..wanna do lunch?

Guest thedude

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Guest thedude



I really enjoy following along this forum...its awesome that you guys out there in meds have taken the time to help us out :)


My interview is in the morning March 29. I will be on campus March 28 poking around...was wondering if anyone has class at that time or might be around to answer a few ques?


Also, does anyone know if the date of your interview reflects how they viewed your application (i.e early interviews = better prospects?)




ps--are there any paddlers on the board at UO med school? looking for possible boating buddies (haha with cars? ;) ) to head to O River, Quebec with...

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Guest bluedna

I was one of the 6 very first people to be interviewed for OttawaU (March 2) and I would love to tell you that that means I was first pick:p ...but truth is that Nicole indicated that it is based for the most part on alphabetical order. Good luck on your interview!

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Guest Talon01

Yup, the interviews are done mostly by alphabetical order. I don't believe that earlier=better chance of admissions or vice versa. Honestly, I don't even think that would be something the university would look at or consider.

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Yah, the only reason someone would be out of order is a) if they're a CNFS applicant, they're interviewed on the first 2 days or B) they had a conflict and had to reschedule

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Guest hydes79

I was also one of the first 6 applicants (March 2nd at 8:30am) to be interviewed at the University of Ottawa and my last name starts with A. So, early interviews doesn't mean better applicants.


P.S. Hi bluedna, did we meet on the interview day?

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Guest bluedna

Hey Hydes...I betcha we did meet (since there were just the 6 of us there for quite awhile) I'm Kim if you still remember names. Long wait for us eh!:rolleyes

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

If you're in Ottawa, go to Oh So Good in the Byward Market. Best dessert place in town - and Tucker's Marketplace a block down has the best buffets you can get. PM me and I might come out with you guys.:P

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Guest hydes79

Hey bluedna, I'm also sure that we have met, but I can't remember your name (I'm sorry). I'm Hyder btw. Did you take the 9:15am emotional intelligence test? I agree with you about the long wait for us..but at least we know for sure that we will get the e-mail on May 15th.

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Guest satsumargirl
cheesecake at oh so good is am az ing


IF you like cheescake! :x I can never eat more than a bite of that stuff :P



Aside and not related to Ottawa: If anyone does like cheesecake and you happen to make it to Victoria ...you HAVE to go to the Cheesecake Café and bring some friends cause the portions are HUGE and they have like at least 30-40 different kinds of cakes. I was dragged there many a time...thankfully they have other food!

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