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MCAT cut-offs......less than a month!!

Guest Krish

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Guys......I am getting so nervous...MCAT cut-offs will be released than a month (I think it was done on Jan 26th last year).


My MCATs are on the border-line....so I am just praying that I will make it....we will see.


Good luck!


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Guest therealcrackers

Enjoy the rest of your holidays... the MCAT cut-offs will be posted on this forum by one of the moderators as soon as they are available. Happy New Year, everyone!

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey all,


You're absolutely right, Crackers, the MCAT cutoffs will be posted just as soon as they are decided. Unless I'm mistaken, the admissions comittee meeting to decide them will be held on the 31st of January. Shortly after that, the cutoffs will be posted on the UWO website, but they will probably be posted here first because us UWO moderators love you guys and want you to have the latest news as soon as it becomes available. So that's the word! Have a great holiday season!


Best of luck!


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That's right...Timmy and I do want you guys to have the official word as soon as possible....Current word is that MCAT and GPA cut-offs will be decided at noon Jan 31st....watch for updates!

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Guest Chieka101

This upcoming month will possibly be the longest in the history of the world (no melodrama here ;) ).


I too am just on the border of the MCAT and GPA cut-offs. Patience is a virtue, I Know.....:)



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So true....the month of May is like torture....because by then you don't have any school work to distract yourself with....you just have to wait....in January you *should* be keeping busy with course work....


Don't worry....because you can't change anything now...


Good luck!

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I really, really don't understand why they can't shift the whole admissions process by a month. Move Oct 15 to Sept 15, and then correspondingly move up the date when we find out by a month. It seriously sucks to have to plan the summer without knowing where we'll be in September!!

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Yes it does...but the admissions process is a nightmare for the schools too....they really don't like to be still juggling their class around and offering admission of the wait list a few days before school starts either....


The problem is that the entire admissions scene is such a logistical nightmare....I don't think that moving the deadline for applications up by a month would really do all that much....most of the administration at the various schools (and the students who have to read apps) would not want to deal with all of the applications in Dec....which is when they would be dealing with all of the 'who gets an interview' process if the deadline was moved rather than Jan when it is done now....Moving the deadline also wouldn't change when the MCAT scores come out...it would probably just make it so that you had to write either the April MCAT or in the summer an entire year before you applied....moving interviews up by a month or two is also not too feasible for most schools either...due to faculty conferences...reading weeks for undergrads and the fact that the fourth year med students (who are usually heavily involved in the interviews) are all over the country doing CaRMS interviews themselves in Jan. So, I know it sucks...but it is not designed solely to torment applicants....OMSAS is the beast that dictates the deadlines...and enforces them across all five schools...And to get anything in the admissions rules changed...oh, boy....apparently the schools need to submit it to OMSAS two or three years in advance of it coming into effect! (For example, if a school wants to change a pre-req, they can't change it for next year...the earliest the change could be made is TWO years from now....)


I appreciate your frustration in not knowing what you will be doing next year....I was there last year....When exams finished in April, I didn't know if I would be in London, Toronto or Guelph in the fall....or at med school, starting an MSc or doing another semester of undergrad.....it really isn't fun having a Plan A and Plan B (or C) in full swing....unfortunately, it is a necessary evil if you are applying in Ontario.


Try not to worry about it...always have a functional Plan B (and C!) and have a Happy New Year!



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Hi Andrea,


I appreciate the logistical nightmare that medical school admissions entails, really! And I appreciate your response, and recognize that the admissions people aren't dragging the process out because they hate us. ;)


Still, American schools manage to tell applicants much, much earlier (even schools without rolling admissions) and while I am sure there are uniquely Canadian and Ontario reasons why it may be harder here, I am also sure that if the OMSAS and various schools Admissions people put their heads together and made it a priority they could figure out a way to shave a month off the process. I don't think they'll ever do it, but I don't believe that it's impossible either. :)


Alright, enough whining for one day ... back to some real life fun :) Happy new year to you too!!



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Guest aneliz

Impossible....no....likely to ever happen....not in my lifetime!At least you recognise that!


I know that it sucks...I really do appreciate your frustration....I think that the difference between Ontario and American schools is $$$$. I know that at Western at least, the people that are in charge of admissions are also responsible for student affairs as well....in addition the members of the admissions commitee also have multiple other responsibilities....(at UWO the chair of the committee is also the head of the pathology dept.) I think that most of the American schools have a much more dedicated 'recruitment and admissions' office and personnel...unfortunately funding in Ontario means that the people that deal with admissions also have multiple other responsiblities which sometimes shuffle admissions to the back burner for a few weeks at a time....hence the long drawn out process.


Try not to worry too much....it will all work out and there is nothing you can do to speed up time! :D



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