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What are my chances?

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I am a biomedical sciences student that had a decent first year gpa that was ruined by two high 60s in calculus and physics classes (had not taken them in highschool). My gpa after first year was about 3.6. I am in second year now and have a only received 4.0's. I am planning on really buckling down but I'm worried that my first year gpa is going to kill me and because of the pandemic I have not been able to gather many EC. Basically I'm wondering if I do well for the rest of my degree and get more EC will I have any shot?

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Hey! I’m still new to this too but from what I gather you for sure stand a chance depending on your next steps over the next few years (especially keeping your gpa up). What province are you in? I would start researching what requirements your desired schools generally have and read through the forum to see what others have gotten in with stats-wise and start looking into ECs. I think what’s important is to show off how your ECs have shaped you into a better person or wtv like tutoring has taught you compassion and patience, working at this place has taught you professionalism etc. I think it’s important to like what you’re doing because it’ll show during your interviews if you’re passionate about it vs doing it to make yourself look good. And then eventually if the schools require MCAT you’ll unfortunately have to study a lot harder on those topics you had trouble with but I’m sure it’s doable :) good luck! You still have lots of time to keep things going in the right direction. 

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9 hours ago, Squidman said:

I am a biomedical sciences student that had a decent first year gpa that was ruined by two high 60s in calculus and physics classes (had not taken them in highschool). My gpa after first year was about 3.6. I am in second year now and have a only received 4.0's. I am planning on really buckling down but I'm worried that my first year gpa is going to kill me and because of the pandemic I have not been able to gather many EC. Basically I'm wondering if I do well for the rest of my degree and get more EC will I have any shot?

A lot of ppl have a hiccup or two along the way, so don’t worry about 1 or 2 poor grades dragging you down. Just keep getting those 4.0s and you’ll be fine. After 2 years of 4.0 and a 1st year of 3.6, your overall gpa would be 3.8-3.9, which is competitive. Plus, schools like to see an upward trend which is what you’d be showing them.

As for ECs, depends where you’re applying but personally I wouldn’t worry too much right now about the fact that you haven’t been able to go and out and get ECs due to the pandemic. The pandemic is affecting everyone, ie no one has been able to do clinical volunteering, shadowing etc and if th et have it’s probably a serious ethical transgression (ie putting their own EC list as a higher priority than the public safety).

I would just focus on your academic grades for the moment if I were you, which is what it seems like you’re doing anyway.

So keep it up, and good luck!

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11 hours ago, ceelbe said:

Hey! I’m still new to this too but from what I gather you for sure stand a chance depending on your next steps over the next few years (especially keeping your gpa up). What province are you in? I would start researching what requirements your desired schools generally have and read through the forum to see what others have gotten in with stats-wise and start looking into ECs. I think what’s important is to show off how your ECs have shaped you into a better person or wtv like tutoring has taught you compassion and patience, working at this place has taught you professionalism etc. I think it’s important to like what you’re doing because it’ll show during your interviews if you’re passionate about it vs doing it to make yourself look good. And then eventually if the schools require MCAT you’ll unfortunately have to study a lot harder on those topics you had trouble with but I’m sure it’s doable :) good luck! You still have lots of time to keep things going in the right direction. 

I'm in Ontario and thinking of only applying in province. I have read that some schools have weighted GPA systems that could help me so that's good. EC wise I am thinking of  coaching for a summer football league among other things. It is just hard to know where I am at, but the words of encouragement truly made me feel better about where I stand,


Thank you!

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