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Which undergraduate program and university in Ontario is best for pre-med?

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I am a grade 12 student accepted into the following universities:

1. UofOttawa ( Health Sciences and Biomedical Sciences )

2. Waterloo ( Life Sciences and Health Studies) 

3. Ryerson ( Biomedical Sciences)

4. Western ( Health Sciences) 


The programs mentioned beside each university are the ones I am admitted to, however, I cannot decide which one would best serve as a premed. I am to go to a med school in future and I want to choose the right program for me in terms of fulfilling med-school prerequisites, preparation for MCAT and being able to maintain a good GPA. Please guide me which of the above programs should I choose as the deadline to accepting offers is approaching soon. 

Thank you in advance! 

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Whichever school where you'll have the most supportive environment around you. Where your family lives, where you friends are, your familiarity with a certain city, your comfort with living away from home, and the cost of going to each school are all important factors that only you can evaluate. You can be a good premed at any school if you're proactive and seek out opportunities for yourself.

I'm not familiar with those programs so maybe someone else could talk about their individual merits.

In my opinion, it's more important to be in a comfortable environment than to attend a certain program, Mac Health Sci notwithstanding. I personally would recommend living at home or staying close to it for maximum comfort and to keep adaptations to a minimum. Of course there are certain personal life trade offs to this.

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