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Is the financial goal in residency not to incur more debt?

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Incoming Toronto PGY1. Running the numbers and my budget is tight. Have $200k+ debt. Have hard that the goal in residency is not to borrow more, but not sure how feasible that will be for me based on what I'm seeing. Or is it and I'm not being frugal enough? Would appreciate any advice as I'm feeling helpless right now.

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I was in your precise situation at PGY1. In residency, I rented a lovely apartment in a location good for me, I took my vacations and although I did not live extravagantly, I was not frugal at that point. My LOC increased. I am a surgeon now with a quite high income. Now, my LOC is totally paid off and I have a mortgage in the 7 figures, more zeros to deal with. And just bought a family vehicle in the 6 figures. Do what you have to do to live comfortably!  

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Is that full $200K in a LOC? If you have any Ontario student loans there is a resident loan interest relief program (https://www.ontario.ca/page/resident-loan-interest-relief-program) requiring ROS. On the national loan you only pay back the principle in monthly payments. I'd recommend verifying if you have any tuition tax credits - those have been really helpful personally in paying off the LOC. 

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