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Screwed by a single year undergrad GPA?

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Long story short I'm a Quebec 4th year med student and had an awful first undergrad year and finished with a 3.0 GPA, and despite this drawback I've still managed to get into med school after completing the year (due to my cegep grades). I'm an upcoming rads applicant and planning to apply across Canada, but realised that a handful of programs require an undergrad transcript. So I was wondering if it is worth sending my application to them or they will view my situation as a red flag, because that's quite an exception amongst all rads applicants...

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More than likely, this will be a red flag in your application outside Quebec. When applying to CaRMS, I applied to 2 competitive specialties in Quebec and was accepted to the surgical specialty where I had the least experience/knowledge of all interviewees. 

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It's anyone's guess how much this matters, and most likely this will depend on the specific program. This was a long time ago, and clearly you were able to get through med school, and if you have a decent application I certainly hope most of these programs will display enough common sense to disregard something like this which in my view is rather trivial. I'd encourage you to apply everywhere you want to anyway, there is no harm to doing so. Keep your chin up - control what you can and give yourself the best shot you can give yourself. I wish you success!

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