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McMaster Problem-based-learning

Guest CoWind

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Guest CoWind

As you know before I am struggling whether to goto Queens or McMaster, so I want to compare the teaching methods of both universities. I know that Queens uses traditional teaching methods (ie: lectures, labs). McMaster coined something called Problem Based Learning, which I've never experienced before and would like to know if it will suit me. It would be nice if any McMaster students can give me a brief description of what the problem based learning exactly is. Thanks!!!

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Guest windymountain2003

Mac uses PBL for teaching but also has lectures with large groups and small groups. I am also considering Mac and a more traditional school. I am leaning towards the traditional school because PBL actually sounds like a lot of work that will require three years of strict self-discipline and motivation...


I guess in PBL you take a case and do some research about it before you meet with the group. This can be a problem because after a while, people may slack off and do the minimal amount of work necessary. This has a negative impact on the group. In this way, other class members can directly impact your overall experience whereas at a lecture-based school, they have less impact.


Another issue I have with PBL is that it may not be the most efficient way to learn. You have a group of inexperienced students all researching a problem. According to other posters, this can be inefficient because they tend to look for extreme/rare conditions when the problem is really caused by something more common. Some people find this really frustrating- learning in such a roundabout way from classmates rather than fully from an experienced doctor. It may be more efficient to simply learn in lecture from a prof- all your info will be coming from an experienced person and you can take and leave what you want to.


I am also, admittedly, lazy! I don't know if I could push myself to work on my own so much. When I look at something like the Merck Manual, I realize just how much info I have to learn! Could I really have the willpower to get through 100 pages of this and 100 pages of that on a beautiful summer day in a yearround program? I don't know. I look back on my own experiences, and realize that I am motivated by test dates and professors who continually inspire me because they are so passionate about the subject they are teaching. I think I need this to learn. I think this would be more available at a traditional school like Queen's.


So, as you can see, I am really hesitant to commit myself to Mac given my own personality and learning styles. Let me know if you have any other questions.



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