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Are lab courses considered "full courses"?

Guest Draff

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Guest Draff

Hi, I've decided to take English this summer because currently this semester I'm taking six courses and would rather take five next semester to reduce the workload.


However, although four of my courses next year are 3 credits each, I have a lab component course (organic chem) at 2 credits (this is at UOttawa). Will med schools see this as part time or still full time? I'm not sure whether lab components are considered courses on their own.


And I just had one more question about applying. Some schools will let you apply after three years of undergrad, now does this mean you apply at the beginning of the third year (so you only have your GPA for first and second year) and then you start med school in your fourth year? Or do they mean you apply after actually completing the third year and being admitted in the year after?


Any help is appreciated!

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