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Guest pseudodoc

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Guest pseudodoc

wondering how many of you have written the USMLE, and as a canadian medical student would it be useful to write the test even if applying to residency positions in canada? thanks...

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Guest Ian Wong

I've written them. Canadian program directors won't care about your USMLE scores (they're a pretty foreign concept to most PD's, and the e-CaRMS program doesn't even have a spot to list your exact score, only a Pass/Fail notation). Still, I think it's a great idea to write them as you progress through your medical education. The Step 1 material will probably never be as fresh in your mind again after Med 2, and having those steps written crosses off one additional hurdle should you ever wish to do residency or fellowship in the US, or decide to practice there in the future.


If you have written all three USMLE steps, you have the ability to apply for an H1B visa, which is a superior visa when going to the US (as opposed to the crummier J-1 visa, which can be obtained without any prior USMLE history).



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