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*** The Saskatchewan Forum Quiz ***

Guest saskmedman

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Guest UWOMED2005

Ok. . . continuing with the lyrics theme, I need the song title but more importantly THE GROUP who wrote this song. Think "pre-Green Day" punk.


I'll be pretty impressed if someone gets this.


"Found a little sticker on a record yesterday

A little note from you, offensive in your own way

Tellin' me what I should listen to, tellin' me what I should buy

Don't you know you only whet my appetite?



And don't you know you're wrong?

You only make me want to hear it that much more

And don't you know you make it much more fun?

That's why we love you, Tipper Gore"

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Guest UWOMED2005

Actually, it was the "Just Buy It" album, I believe. At least it's on my copy of "Just Buy It."


But good call. Growing up in Ottawa, I was always shocked how few people not from Ottawa know of furnaceface.


It is now your call.

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Guest UWOMED2005

I'm going to guess the McGill Rugby club.


If not, the literary, drama, or debating societies would be a good call in that order.


But I've got to go with Rugby. That's often a school's oldest society.

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Guest medicator007



No that's not what I got in mind.... this is a student run society, not a varsity team... though on a tangential note, I believe our oldest varsity team would be the hockey team.

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Guest medicator007

Well done!


The Osler Society of McGill University is the oldest student run club, founded and continuously operating since 1921.


The conch is yours.

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Guest UWOMED2005

There was no rugby team before 1921? What kind of school do you go to Medicator? Did you guys do nothing but study and talk about medicine, at least until the end of prohibition? :D

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Guest medicator007



I must confess that while I am a huge fan of rugby, I truthfully do not know the history of McGill's rugby team. However, in posing my question I did not consider varsity teams to be student run clubs since they tend to be organized, run, coached and funded by the university.


However, I must inform you that while we of The Osler Society do tend to sit around and talk about medicine, these conversations are universally enhanced and raised to new interesting philosophical levels through the presence of numerous pitchers of fine blonde, rousse and other fermented beverages at our meetings :x .


As well, while I cannot comment on the prohibition plight of Ontarians, it should be noted that prohibition NEVER took on a full foothold in Quebec (for which there are many good arguments, several religious in nature)... in fact the prohibition era and "rum-running", permitted the rise of a certain alcohol producing, expos founding empire in Montreal... so there! :lol



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Guest medicator007

The Hidden Staircase is the 2nd of the Nancy Drew detective series... and thus would be written by Carolyn Keene... the original Nancy Drew novel contained 25 chapters and like most re-released/edited Drew novels it would have contained 20 chapters in the "modern" version.



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Medicator007.....you're right about everything, but Carolyn Keene was the pseudonym for all authors who contributed to the series. I'm looking for the real name.

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Guest medicator007

Multiple part question AND you're being picky about one of the answers? :P


Fair enough then....Mildred Wirt Benson was the original ghostwriter.



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Guest medicator007

Ok so getting back to a more medical theme:


What is the origin of the term used to describe a congenital deficiency of thyroid hormone?


So essentially what is the name of the condition and WHY was it named as such... (gotta be clear for some of those sticklers out there! :eek )



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I think I may have the answer to this one... I'm studying this topic for one of my exams this week ;) ...


The condition is cretinism. The word is thought to come from the French word "chretien" (Christian) and was perhaps originally used to describe the disease that resulted when heretical Christians fled to the Pyrenees to avoid persecution. Since the Pyrenees was an iodine-deficient area, they ended up having children with congenital hypothyroidism.




I didn't even have to google this one!!

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Guest medicator007

Well done 007, (always wanted to say that!!!!)


To add to the story a little more though... most of the children born with hypothyroidism had serious neuro-developmental deficits. As a result people thought that they would be unable to commit sins and thus be more like christ which also contributes to the Chretien, cretinism connection.


Its all urs!

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Guest medicator007

As best as I can tell the only two prime ministers to have represented Prince Albert in Parliament are Diefenbaker and Mackenzie-King.


Am i missing something?

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Guest UWOMED2005

I'll second that opinion - for the med school exams, I mean.


Would it be Bennett? I think he was from out west. Though many Canadians would forget he was a Prime Minister. . . and the guy bailed on Canada after his stint as PM, living out his retirement in England.

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