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*** The Saskatchewan Forum Quiz ***

Guest saskmedman

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Guest skofu

quantum theory, which is a stochastic description of nature.


"i cannot believe that god would choose to play dice with the universe" A.E.



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Guest skofu

hey all,


i'm heading out of town for a week so someone else can post one. on the off chance that someone posts a well reasoned solution to the pirate problem 8o maybe pass the conch to them?



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest skofu

hmmm, i went away, came back, and there's no new question...


so howsabout we move from science trivia to social science trivia... who does romeo dallaire rate as the most brilliant military tactician of the 20th century?


hint: this has to do with the genocide in rawanda in 1994. who won the war? who led the winning forces?

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Guest ploughboy


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Man, I had nightmares for a week after reading LGen Dallaire's memoirs... I just got an on-sale copy of _The Lion, the Fox and the Eagle_ by Carol Off. Although I've read mixed reviews of her writing, I expect to have a few more sleepless nights


Anyhow, to answer your question: Was it Kagame?








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Guest skofu

Kagame's the man I'm thinking of.


I read both of those books, and they were pretty tough to get through in places. I thought Carol Off wrote a really well synthesized discussion of the failure of the world in 1994 in "The Loin, the Fox, and the Eagle." But then I was an engineering student in undergrad - so what do I know about writing?


If you like those two books, I recommend the following for more depressing but enlightening social commentary:


"Making a Killing: How and Why Corporations use Armed Force to do Business" - Madelaine Drohan


"A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide" - Samantha Power


The former had a huge impact on me, particularly when I went looking for a place to invest money in a mutual fund. Those "ethical funds" aren't always so ethical! Sadly, I recently noticed a company that Drohan condemns in her book in an "ethical fund" portfolio. We need corporate responsibility laws with teeth in this country like never before...


Trivia note: Drohan also details how Cecil Rhodes made his fortune in South Africa in "Making a Killing." It really makes a Rhodes scholarship not look so attractive anymore! (not that I could get one anyway) Blood money people, blood money.


anyway... that's enough ranting. ploughboy has the conch...



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Guest ploughboy

Tangential to the topic of African disasters..


The lead singer of a reasonably well-known second-wave punk band from San Francisco took part of his stage name from the first African famine to receive wide-spread television coverage in the West. Name the *first* band that this individual worked for.



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My guess is the Dead Kennedy's. I think Jello Biafra answered a newspaper add to join the band and that was his *first*?


-edit: OH! WORKED! very different, he was a roadie for the Nails.

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Oak Island is an island rumoured to have a moneypit of pirate treasure, which the Nova Scotia provincial govornment is currently considering buying. It has been dug at continually and many clues had been discovered over the last few hundred years but because of elaborate booby traps, technology and hard work have yet been able to get deep enough to raise the treasure.


Legend states that a certain number of people must die before the island will give up its secret - how many must die and how many have? What is the big booby trap is keeping the treasure still buried?

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  • 2 weeks later...

apparently no one cares about my trivia, so i'll pass the conch onto whoever wants it and has a riddle. I'd say a riddle is in order because trivia seems to not spark any interest.


but the answer for the curious - legend states 7 must die for the island to give up her secret, so far 6 are dead. The booby trap is a network of flood tunnels.

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nby....I only just came across your question this morning! As a soon-to-be Haligonian I'm loving reading up on the history of it. Thanks for the good question!


Unfortunately, I don't have any good riddles at the moment...

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