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How many times can you apply?

Guest tinee007

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Guest tinee007

Hi there...!

I was wondering how many times ubc will accept your application before they say you can't apply anymore? I've heard 3 times in 5 years, but then again I haven't seen anything about that anywhere. Can anyone please confirm this?

Also, one last question...How important does ubc admissions weigh your pre-req courses average? I did horribly in these and I was wondering if I should retake them?

Thanks a lot!

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Guest Ian Wong

On the UBC Med Admissions website, there is a link here under Admission Requirements with the following statement:

Qualified candidates who were not admitted following initial application may reapply for admission in subsequent years without prejudice. There is no limit on the number of times individuals may reapply.
With that said, I think a practical upper limit is probably three tries. If you haven't gotten an acceptance after your third attempt, I think you should really take a step back, and consider other strategies (applying widely throughout Canada, to the US and other international med schools, looking at alternate career choices, etc). You also need to look realistically at your profile, and see if it compares favorably with what UBC publishes in its admissions stats, and if it doesn't, figure out how to upgrade, whether that be marks, MCAT scores, etc.


With this all said, we've got one guy in our class who got in on his *fourth* application attempt, and he's going to make one awesome doctor, so anything is possible.


The pre-reqs are marks that are consistently held by all UBC med applicants, so they (my opinion only), are more important to do well in versus your overall marks, but if you've already finished the pre-reqs, there's not much you can do about it now, so it's best to concentrate on the other aspects of your application. I would apply once with those pre-reqs, see how you fare, and if it isn't looking so good, then consider re-taking them. You should also check to see if UBC will acknowledge your re-writes, and how they will handle those two sets of marks.



UBC, Med 4

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Guest tinee007

Thanks a lot that helps!

I've already applied once before and am now anxiously awaiting for a call for an interview (all my fingers and toes are crossed)!

I really think that my marks are really the only thing holding me back...and my MCAT which I did okay in and was advised not to retake them...so....hopefully something will happen soon... =)

Thanks again!

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You mentioned that you were advised not to retake the MCAT and I was wondering where we could go about seeking that advice? Did you ask an advisor at UBC Faculty of Med? I'm just wondering cuz I'm trying to decide whether I should retake the exam this summer.




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Guest tinee007

I spoke with an advisor from medicine. I wouldn't go and speak to them now since they're probably very busy with interviews, etc. Anyways, I was told as long as you meet the requirements for the MCAT and that it was used as a flag only so I didn't need to retake it. So as long as you meet the requirements I would NOT retake it.

Good luck!

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