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Family Housing

Guest soapyslicer

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Guest soapyslicer

Hi Everyone,


If any of you are at the stage of interviewing and have not yet considered housing you should. In particular, family and married housing at UBC. Acadia Park housing has approximately a 2 year wait list for some units but there are ways to shorten it. To live in family housing you must have at least one dependent child. You are able to apply to housing if you are applying to the school - before you know of acceptance.


If anyone has more specific questions and wants to contact me feel free to drop me a note in my ezboard mail. I have lived in family housing for close to 7 years.



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Guest walkorbike

Hi, soapyslicer,


I never did say thank you. You posted a heads-up about checking into housing last summer, so I applied to Acadia Park married housing last August and was told the wait list would take one year. Who knows if I will be accepted into medicine, but at least if I am we will have a place to stay. At $790 for a one-bedroom, all inclusive, in Vancouver, it is hard to beat.




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Guest thetigerman

I am also a family person and have applied (with interview) to both UBC med and family housing. You mentioned there are ways to shorten the wait list for housing. I would love to get this information.

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Guest soapyslicer

Hi Tigerman,


The best way to get in this summer is to let them know you would be willing to take short notice. This puts you on a separate list. It does however mean that you may have to pay rent for two places for one month. Also if you only applied for a three bedroom, forget it. They have so few it can take up to 2 years as a tenant(they get first chances if they are on the transfer list). One of the best ways is to go for the two or four bedroom. The four bedroom has a top floor made up of two very small bedrooms. We use one for an office and the other is a laundry room. The second floor has 2 bedrooms and one full bath. The bottom floor has a 1/2 bath, kitchen, dining and living room. You actually have laundry rooms provided but to wash is $1 and dry takes almost the same. Many of us use apartment size machines in our suites but housing frowns upon it. Also if you are looking for a two bedroom try to stay clear of the "courts". They are very run down, and many have serious mold problems. The best are those that I think are called phase 3(don't quote me). If you phone and talk to Shirley she will let you know. We have recently had the outsides, new flooring and new carpets put down. The addresses you want are those ending in Montgomery Ln., Tennis Crescent, Melfa Lane and Yalta can't remember the other lane.


This year is a particularly good year in some ways to be entering family housing. UBC has just managed to get itself removed from the Residential Tenancy act. There are some who have been in housing well past the four year time limit as they were under old contracts that didn't specify max stays. These people have been given notice and must move out the end of June. This should provide almost a 40% turnover this year.


Unfortunately not being under the RTA means that UBC is no longer held accountable to these standards. I suspect that rents will skyrocket from those the senate approved last year. Despite the possible problems, it really is a great place for kids. My two play outside our front door every day with little concern as it is a pedestrian only area. They have a great space to ride their bikes now that the workmen fixing our leaky condos are almost done.


One other issue you may need to keep in mind is the fact of schooling in Vancouver. Tigerman if you have kids of school age and are not presently living in Van, beware. It can be really difficult to get them in to the school in your area. For UBC that is U-hill elementary or Queen E Annex. Jules Quesnel if you prefer french immersion. Make sure you get an application into your kids school as soon as you can. Some who get housing in July and august don't get seats at Uhill.


Hope that helps,



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This is one of the biggest benefits of going to school in Prince George. I currently have a suite I'm trying to rent out...BIG 2 bedroom, all utilities included for under 500/month and only minutes by car to UNBC. You won't find that in Vancouver and it's all over the place up here.

I grew up down there and went to SFU for 2 years. After living in Prince George and attending UNBC there is no way I'd choose to re enter the rat race...unless I had to.


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Guest soapyslicer

Hi iddle,


My husband and I have been looking into buying a house in PG. As he will transfer and I want to stay in the north after finishing it will be perfect. We have spent many an hour looking at places through the mls listings online.


Here is hoping I can leave the rat race permanently!!!



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