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when do you hear.

Guest Jimbo

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Aprox. when are you notified whether or not you are rejected or get an interview from UBC school of med?


Does anyone care to guess whether there will be more or less applicants this year than in years past?

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Guest not rex morgan

Jimbo. I applied to UBC three years in a row and things change from year to year. There were 800+ applications for my class (2005). With that said, around a hundred of those were null b/c people didn't have the right pre reqs, which amases me. If I recall correctly, there has been an increasing number from year to year. I couldn't hazard a guess, though. It depends on so many things. As for when you hear if you are rejected for even a chance at an interview, the first year I applied, it was June I believe. They were lagging that year and lost a bunch of their top choices b/c of it. The second year, I wrote them in march and they wrote me back and said "no luck this time my friend." Not a direct quote, but you get the point. I got interviews this last round, but a couple of friends of mine didn't (med school's huge loss let me tell you). One heard in February I believe, and the other never heard. She's not waiting anymore though. The moral of the story is, if you don't hear by Feb, email them and ask if you're included in the list of interviewees. They may or may not tell you, but if they do, you can either start planning for your interviews or for what exciting and wonderful things you are going to do with the time they handed you. (trust me, if you don't get interviews, take advantage of the time and make the most of it).

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