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Guest shetland23

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Guest shetland23

I believe Red Cross and St John are implementing changes to CPR C as of September. Example: 30 comp 2 breaths, no rescue breathing, no pulse check. I believe that their resoning is to make it simpler. I am planning to take my CPR in July, will that be a problem or should I wait until end of Aug or early Sept to do it? What do you guys think?

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Guest thatuvicguy

A session was organized for all 1st year meds sometime in September or October. They condense it pretty well for med students so it will likely be a much shorter course than if you take it in the community. That being said, if you're certified you won't need to spend that Saturday or Sunday doing the course.




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Guest leviathan

It's mostly to make it simpler, and the 15:2 ratio has been changed because studies showed there was much better perfusion when compressions were increased to 30 times. 15 isn't enough to "get into the flow" so to speak.


As for your CPR, it doesn't really make a difference when you take it, but you might as well wait until the new protocols come out so that you don't have to relearn them later on anyhow.

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Guest Persistent

maybe it will be nice to wait till they arrange it for us... that way we can get to know more of our fellow 2010er's.


Is there a cost difference between taking it on our own versus taking it with the group?




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