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Write a letter

Guest tigerlily

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Guest tigerlily

Hey Everyone,

A friend of mine who has been through med school gave me some great advice today. He recommended writing a letter to yourself about how you feel RIGHT NOW, after just getting in. You can include why you want it so badly, what you hope to do with your education, etc. etc. etc. He said that there are some pretty low spots over the next 4 years, and if you have something that YOU wrote to remind yourself of these things, it will be really helpful. (LOL - he said something to the tune of "when you want to jump off the roof at St. Paul's...")

Anyway, I thought it was a great idea and thought I'd share it with all of you, while the excitement is still fresh. I know for me, it's sinking in more today than yesterday. I keep thinking "Oh my goodness. I'm ACTUALLY going. Actually. No joke. Like, for serious (insert sarcastic valley-girl voice here)". It's weird thinking that this is it, you know? ANYWAY.

I'm totally addicted to this board too :) And I'm glad I was in the chatroom when I found out - you all made the wait so much more bearable!

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Guest shetland23

He was sad in med school?

This worries me. Is your friend ok now?


I know how you feel tiger...

What are your smmer plans??

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Guest tigerlily

LOL. He's fine now. But I can definitely imagine that there will be sad times... although I think he was talking more about stress than sadness. Times when things just seem totally overwhelming, and you ask yourself why you ever got yourself into this, LOL. That's when you pull out the letter! :)

I don't have any major summer plans. Just working. Hopefully I'll get some time off - I'm looking forward to going to Creation this July (a huge concert series in Washington State). What else... I'm running a 10k on July 1st and training for the half-marathon in October, which might not sound like a lot of fun to some people, but I love the sense of accomplishment I get when I reach a new running goal...

Now that I know I'm in I might look at taking time off in August. I love backpacking and did the Juan de Fuca trail with my mom a few years ago, but haven't yet done the West Coast Trail, so maybe I'll do that. What about you - summer plans?

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Guest shetland23

wow u r fit!


Juan de Fuca was awesome. I did it with friends from highschool.


I think I will try to take some time off and go visit my friends in Hawaii or maybe travel... This depends if I can get time off from work.


I look forwards to meeting you.


Take care

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