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Place to stay for

Guest Monkey

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Guest Monkey



I'm trying to look up plausible locations of rent in edmonton. anyone studying/living there care to provide suggestions? thanx

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Guest tipharet 09

The area just to the east of the U is called Garneau. It's full of (mostly older) houses and apartment buildings that are dominated by students. A couple of the big apartment buildings to check out would be Windsor Park Plaza (old College plaza)--has more expensive rent ~$1000/mo for a 2 bdm, but tons of bonuses like weightroom, pool...even a 'study hall' and only 2 blocks from the hospital. It also has 'lofts' for single people that are ~$650-700/mo (approximately). There's also Garneau Tower, Garneau Bay and Sir John Franklin that are very close.

There's lots of apartment buildings along Saskatchewan Drive that would be within walking distance and many 3-4 storey rentals on the north side of Whyte Ave (82-90Ave and 109-104St).

Note: the med buildings are all on about 87Ave and 112-114St

You can also check out downtown apartments and catch the LRT to the U--5-10 min LRT ride with bus passes being $50/mo. You can find a transit map of where the LRT stations are on the Edmonton Transit homepage (don't know site address).

Edmonton is pretty easy to navigate because the streets are numbered and set up on a grid. A great place to find housing ads aimed at students is the SU housing registry--www.su.ualberta.ca/inforeg, then click on Housing.

Hope that helps you start anyways, good luck!

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