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I got in!!!!!

Guest kernelhoover

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Guest kernelhoover

I just got a phone call from Andrea at the admissions office this morning she said my letter would be mailed later today. Looks like the early offers are EARLY this year. I'm super excited.


Good luck to all those still waiting.


the kernel

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Guest summervirus

HEY HEY!!! :D Congratulations to you, kernelhoover!!!


(And just so that I don't post a billion congratulation messages, congratulations to everyone else that gets in too!) :D

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Guest Digiti minimi

Wow that's really early!!!


Congratulations everyone!! :D


I did not apply but I'm wondering if you would mind posting your stats? Just wondering if I'd be competitive in the near future.


Once again, congrats!!!

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Guest iamsmilingbear

Hey guys!

Many congratulations to those of you who got the call!!! That's so cool they let people know soooo early! ;)


Just wanna ask, are you guys in-province or out-of-province applicants?

I'm an OOP, very anxious to hear from them!!!

Can you really call them to ask? It seems kinda rush to call them so early, maybe I should just wait.



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i was surprised to hear so early... usually they contact 30 people at the end of april and offer early admission, then do more interviews and then offer the rest of the places at the end of june. they told me that anyone who was geting early admission would have gotten a call by the end of today....


as for stats, i just finished a Master's at U of A (so extra points) and did an honours degree at Guelph. My overall GPA (converted) was 8.48 (lowest year dropped, overall OMSAS GPA was 3.78) and pre-reqs were 8.6 (which are more important at U of A than your overall). My MCAT was 30R.


Anyway, good luck to everyone else!

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Guest chemgirl

Wow, congratulations everybody!:hat


I hope they still have some calls to make on monday... my stats are similar to yours, fox, unless, blast it, I didn't make the first cut.


Oh well... that will just mean more waiting |I

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i think the interview was a huge factor in making the first cut... that and the essay comprise a big portion of the application mark (almost half), so a good interview mark would make all the difference between everyone who had similar marks. good luck

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Guest summervirus

I think that they were able to process applications a lot faster this year because everything is electronic and they cut down on the number of interviews substantially. One of my closest friends also got a phone call Friday afternoon. Yahoo! :D

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Guest forrest

Like Petra, Andrea called me but I was not able to return the call before 4pm - this is going to be one long weekend, waiting for Monday morning to come around..... :smokin

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Guest Petra

does anybody know, are they notifying everyone, or are these just select early admissions offers? It doesnt make sense that they would stagger them now, because there are not going to be anymore interviews for the 4th+ year pool, but at the same time, why would they say June/july in the letter??

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You guys! They are still calling today....I just got my offer this morning! I am so excited! So don't give up...they are still calling. The letters are going in the mail today! Thanks to Ian for setting up this site and to summervirus for answering so many of my questions!



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Guest drews97

Hey congrats to everyone that's heard!!!!! Does anyone know if this is ALL the 4th year + admissions or only the so called early acceptances.

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Guest gojukai kid

Was stressed all weekend but heard this morning. Congrats everyone.

In province, 32S, 8.4, 8.5, Second choice, was hoping for McMaster.


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After years of struggling I finally have been accepted into the U of A! I had applied 3 other times prior to this year and received an interview each time but was never accepted. It was so hard to keep going at times but it was absolutely worth it!!! Please, don't give up if this is your dream. I finally did it!! Wahoo!!!! :rollin

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Guest chemgirl

Congratulations everybody!!!!


It is nice to hear the encouraging words! I am still hoping that I may get a call... the day is not over yet!


Once again, congratulations!!! All your hard work has paid off!

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