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high school students

Guest uteng

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There seems to be a lot of high school students on this board and I was surprised. Even people about to enter high school.


On the one hand, it's great you're getting a lot of information up front and you'll be well prepared, but it seems like a lot have become err... what's the word... maybe obsessed a little too early on.


I'll have to admit, I decided to choose medicine late in the game, have years of full-time working experience and a master's, and it was more difficult to recover and prepare everything for the med school route. Therefore, I'll be in school when I'm a little older. At the same time though, I got to try other things. I'm a little concerned that it seems some of the younger members on the board have decided early on in life that all they want to be is a doctor - got the blinders on, and aren't being open to other experiences. There's a lot to be exposed to in university, and you may find something you like to do even more. As a wise friend once said, there's a lot that you don't even know that you don't know. (my deep thought of the day) :)


Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to be starting med school, but if I had not done the route I did, I might be asking myself "what if?". It's much more difficult to try stuff after med school than before is all I'm saying. :)


Good luck

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Guest Elliott

I say kudos to the young ones on the board. Sometimes children see things for what they are much better than adults do.

I am glad they are here. I think it's great to be exploring options at an early age, thinking about the future and making plans.

Just because they are young and want to become a Dr. doesn't mean they have "blinders" on... Not everyone out there needs to, wants to or can afford to spend time getting a masters before deciding the career path that's for them...

BTW - I thought all first year science students start out as "pre-med"...


My two cents.

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Guest PanjabiMD

You have seen people on this board who are not in highschool yet? :eek I haven't seen any of them before.


I hope you don't think I have become obsessed with the notion of becoming a doctor, because I have! Just kidding!:P


I agree with you completely though, there are some high schoolers (is that even a word, schoolers?) on this board who probably do have the blinders on, as you put it.


I on the otherhand am still wondering if this is the path for me. To be honest, I want to pick an undergraduate program that is right for me, and I still don't know what that is just yet. I know all the programs I will be applying to this year, but I am not sure which one to actually take at this point. Should I be doing engineering, business, or science. Those are all questions that I guess I will have to ask myself plenty of times before I make my choice.



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Guest PanjabiMD
PMD ur name seems to suggest otherwise


I have explained my name before, it is a just a fun little variation on PanjabiMC, often abbreviated to PMC. I found this site, and I just thought of the name. I used it because I found it humorous.


I really do not even know if I want to be a doctor as of yet. It is kind of in the back of my head, but that is all it really is right now, a thought in the back of my head.



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