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Deferral Adcom meetings..

Guest newibe24

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Guest newibe24

Does anyone have any inside info on when the Admissions Committee is meeting to go over all the deferred files? Is it all in one meeting, or is it broken into a few? Any info would really help ease the nerves.

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Guest debbieL22

I think Longtimerunnin mentioned in the accepted/rejected/waitlisted post that an e-mail from Tracy said they were trying to mail out the rest of the letters by the end of this week, i.e., for the deferred applicants. This seems sooner than the "end of June" often quoted, so I gather there's an additional meeting this week for deferred applicants? Hopefully we will all hear by Friday or next Monday.


Questions: Since I'm out of town for the next week and a half, would it be okay for me to call the Admissions office to find out my status next week, if the letters are out? I know they're busy, but it seems like torture to wait the extra week just to get back to my mailbox.... and is there a short deadline to reply and say yes? That's definitely not a deadline someone wants to miss by accident! :o

And does anybody know how far down the maritime waitlist typically moves? Sadly, I'm guessing not very far... :\

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Guest scooter


I haven't done it but I really don't think you would have much luck over the phone, because they have said for different situations that personal information or status won't be given over the phone. Last year my mailbox was killed by the snowtruck and they did let me know that a letter had not been sent out during that week. So it is worth a shot.


Is there NO ONE at all who could check your mail?? I would but I'm kinda far from where you are :) The deadline is 2 weeks (or that is what I got) so unless it arrives the day you leave you can always fax in your reply (I believe Staples and those kinds of places have fax machines... though I've always had trouble getting faxes through to Dal during non-office hours- i don't know if they turn them off or if it is just a matter of other people are also trying to fax them in the middle of the night) and e-mail them saying that you want to accept.


Good Luck, hopefully today there will be a nice A envelope in the mail for you and it won't be an issue... either way good luck.

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Guest JewelLeigh

What might work is sending Tracy an email explaining your situation. I'm not sure...but I think there is a possibility that she would attach your letter to an email if it is at least a few days after they have been mailed. Worth a shot anyway :)

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Guest debbieL22

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll try emailing Tracy next week if the letters are out. Otherwise, I'll just have to sit tight and wait the extra week (if we all get 2 weeks to reply, I should be alright for time). Hey, what's an extra week after a whole year? :P

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