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We are looking for a roommate

Guest drbutterwick

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Guest drbutterwick



Myself and another first year would like to get a house or townhouse near the hospital, but we need another person to join us. Three people would be much cheaper. Is anyone still looking for a place? Let us know, and we'll give the run down on what we find this weekend.


Cheers, Derek

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Guest hector

Can you handle living with a girl?


I'm still looking for a place, and am going to investigate apartments this weekend. Unfortunately, I've found myself overwhelmed by the prices, and am nervous about living alone my first year. I'm pretty easy going and have always had a good time living in houses in undergrad. Let me know if you're still looking...



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Guest drbutterwick

Hey there,


Ya, we don't mind if your a girl. It's good to mix it up. Ya, prices are crazy eh? It's a tough pill to swallow. I'm from London, so I'm used to cheap rent. I paid $290 a month for my room in 2nd year! Anyways, it would be much cheaper if we had three people looking for a place. We would be able to get a place for below 500 I bet. We are heading up to Ottawa this saturday, so if you'd like to hook up with us let me know. My email is derekbutterwick@hotmail.com.


Cheers, Derek

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Guest torontodave

Hey Guys,


there was one place advertised on the Housing File sent by Nicole....I got the advertised room - its pretty decent, and is in a townhome on Pixley - $375/month plus utilities....I am used to living in a (very) small room downtown in Toronto for $600/month, so this room, being like twice the size, is a friggin palace to me! The house is really nice, clean, has only med students living there, and is damn close (about 5 mins).


Anyway, there is a small unrented room beside the one I have taken...The 4th year med student who owns the house told me he MIGHT rent it out over the year to people doing rotations from other cities...


The point is this: if you don't mind living in a kinda small room -(probably about 10X10ft), contact me, and I'll put you in touch with the owner - he might hook you up with that room for cheap cheap cheap....I can't speak for him, obviously, but I think the outside chance does exist for those in desperate need of a cheap place. To these few, it's not worth NOT investigating.


To those who are questioning size of rooms, let me tell you that I am quite comfortable in my dinky-room in Toronto, so I'm sure someone can make themselves comfortable in this place, which is quite comparable.






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Guest hector

Hey naejpiy,


I never did receive the e mail. I'm not sure if i put all the correct info on my form, or it's possible one of my filters ate it...


anyways, if you're still looking to contact me, i can be reached @ hbarrettaustin@hotmail.com


hope you're search is going well!

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