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Guest Ian Wong

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Guest Ian Wong

Figured I'd just get everything started in each Ontario forum before the big day. :) Props to whichever one of you replies to this thread first after getting the emails tomorrow!!! :D



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Guest gobluebaby

Congrats to everyone who received the email. I guess I'll be see you all in the fall.


Have a great summer - thank heavens the wait is over :rollin

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Guest Ticket

...have hope!!!

I just received an acceptance email from Ottawa U - but I have already decided to go elsewhere.

Good luck to those waiting!



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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


My curiosity totally got the better of me and I had to check. Well done everyone! :D


(Interestingly, I noticed that all of you who have received acceptances thus far also received the "mistake" e-mail earlier this month. :) )




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Guest PaniDoktor



Got the e-mail this morning, too, after a night full of nightmares ... I'm so thrilled, I was never too confident about getting in this year. WOW ... Despite Ottawa being a great school, since I finished my undergrad at the UofO my 1st choice would be to go away. If I get into Western, UofT, Dal, or Queens, I will be giving up my spot to one happy person off the waitlist. To those of you who didn't get the first round acceptance, keep in mind that nearly half the class comes in off the waitlist. I have my fingers crossed for all of you :D .

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Guest mydream88

I can't help but notice that you all of you thus far, received that 2003 acceptance email earlier in the month?! Has anyone been accepted this morning that didn't receive that earlier email?


just curious;)



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Guest UOMeds06

Wow! Congrats every one! I didn't think that the email would have gone out so soon!


Now that it's the 28th...I can finally divulge that the "mistake" email was indeed a "mistake" and nothing more. People not on that list will receive an email and vice versa. I don't know how or why it went out, but that's what I was told.


I'm crossing my fingers for you all today!


If you know me, send me an email to let me know if you got in...I'm dying to hear.


Back to the final hours of GI cramming....


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Guest UOMeds06

Oh BTW, please don't forget to go to the Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted??? (for current applicants) Thread...it's at the top of the Ottawa forum page....it's been a tradition for the last 3 years.


Peace out!


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Guest Watermelanie

I received my email at 9:13 am. I did NOT receive a "mistake" email earlier in the month, which supports their assertion that it really was a mistake.:D

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Guest csname

Congrats to all of you who got the acceptance offer this morning. The wait definitely was worth it eh. I didn't get the email so I guess i'll find my fate on Monday.


By the way, was this a merged email or is it being sent by last name initial.

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Guest mdhopeful23

im in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek :D :lol


i was soo scared to open my outlook this morning...


oh what a funny feeling this is...


congrats to everyone else here! hopefully i will be seeing some of you this fall!


btw, i did originally receive one of those fake emails...are you saying there is no correlation between this one and the 'fake'???

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Guest justanotherpremed

i'm so stoked for all of you... especially MDSMelissa!!! you're gonna make a great doctor. :hat :smokin

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Guest UOMeds06


As far as I know, there will be people who got the email who will get an acceptance today and there will be people who didn't get the email but who will still get acceptances today...so no correlation between the fake and today's REAL email.





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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


Another set of congrats to the rest of the folk who've heard. Well done!


As for the "mistake" e-mail, thus far there don't seem to be any folks who received the "mistake" who didn't receive an acceptance. So perhaps the "mistake" e-mail went to only a subset of those who were actually accepted, as opposed to all those who were interviewed? No matter, the day's here at least. Enjoy the weekend with some great news. :)


Does anyone have any idea as to when the waitlist letters are normally sent out?




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Guest 15Sacha


I received the fake email and have not received an acceptance. I am quite disappointed in Ottawa right now for stomping on my heart. That really hurts and nobody deserves that. Good luck to all!

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