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Which Canadian Medschools accept more Ontario OOP applicants?

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If you have a good MCAT score, you may want to consider the University of Manitoba; University of Calgary and the University of Alberta reserve 15% of spots for OOP; UBC allows 9 or 10 spots for OOP per year; McGill accepts 5-7 students, but you have to be a superhero in disguise to make one of these spots (you may be so I'd apply anyways). I don't really know about the Eastern provinces for Saskatchewan that much, but there are great schools all over Canada so I would suggest applying whereever you are elgibile-that's what I'm doing. :D

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That's how I see it. When I look at some of the competitive marks required for OOP spots in other provinces, there isn't much difference between them and those required by Ontario. In fact, they seem even higher in some cases. For instance, I read that USask usually admits 4-5 OOP students each year, but you have to be in at least the 88-90% range to be in serious contention. In the end, I think that these spots turn out to be mostly for students who have very high marks and who genuinely want to live and practice in these areas. Which I guess, from the school's point of view is a good thing.

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