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Do I need to include verifiers for obvious items in my sketch?

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Do I really need verifiers for every thing I put down on ABS? I mean, for something like formal education such as I attend so and so university is hard to get a verifier. (who should it be? my mom?)

Also, for some of the awards I have recieved (university scholarships), I don't even know who gave it to me(it's from university..but who?)

I'm really concerned about whether I really need to put down "adress" and "phone number" for everything I have done, and it doesn't seem to make sense to me


Thanks so much for your help

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For university related things, you can put down your registrars office contact information, since they tend to be the centre of adminstrative affairs.


If you are having trouble finding verifiers for other obscure activities but have some form of documentation certifying that you did infact participate in that activity, you can show it to a prof and ask him/her to be the verifier. In the OMSAS application, mention the prof as the verifier, and under "other details" state that you have a certificate/letter to prove it as well.


Make sure that you add verify every single activity as it won't be considered by adcoms if you don't!


Good luck!

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I think there's nothing wrong with getting your mom to verify your formal education. After all, the med schools receive your transcripts so that's more than enough proof that you're in such and such a university studying such and such a program.


And for some of the activities, which are difficult to find verifiers, I don't think there's anything wrong with asking a family/friend, as long as it's the truth. I mean anybody who would even think of lying on their application has no business applying to medicine right?

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I had a "verifier" that I just called "Documentation Available Upon Request" (I just put "N/A" in the areas for telephone, address, etc.). I used this for at least half a dozen items on the ABS, if not more, and had no problems from any of the schools to which I applied.


Hope this helps. Cheers,



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