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Can I apply as a first-year Masters student?

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I am currently in the first year of my Master's studies (my master's studies starts September 2006, my undergraduate finished on June 2006).


My question is: COULD I APPLY??????


I've been seeing and hearing conflicting versions of the answer to this question. While university sites seem to have writings (particularly UofT) against this kind of application procedure, all the phone calls that I've made to actual admissions department (and one of my referees, who happens to be a doctor) said it's OK, we'll be treated the same way as undergrad students.


And if it turns out I can't, could I just not mention the fact that I'm a grad student right now on my OMSAS and apply anyways?





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Hi there,


This sort of policy is made on a medical school basis, and different medical schools hold different policies. Your best (and safest bet) is not to conceal your Masters work on your application and contact each school that you're considering prior to applying to learn if you would be eligible to apply there. Some schools might permit you the opportunity to defer any acceptance that you might receive to finish your degree, but others will not. What's worse, if it has been determined, post-application, that you have withheld any information pertinent to the application, the ramifications could be very bad, i.e., an acceptance might be rescinded and/or you could be blacklisted from applying to that school in the future.




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