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If references send you a copy of the letter...

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I just received an email from one of my references who told me that she has already mailed out the reference form/letter and that she checked off the box at the bottom that says she has sent the applicant a copy of the letter. Is this detrimental to my application? (She hasn't actually sent me a copy of it yet and I told her not to).


Any input would be greatly appreciated.





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I wouldn't start panicking but it is the best to have that box clicked. The idea of a reference letter is to get a balanced and honest picture of you. Of course people should be honest to you, but they are more prone to sugar coating and omitting things when talking to your face. By providing you with a copy, that is what she/he is essentially doing. THus, the adcom is going to have to consider that the person might not be being completely honest and straightforward as they might have been if they knew it was a secret from you. Probably the person who did, didn't even think about it and wrote the exact same letter that they would have had that not intended on giving you a copy- but the adcom people can't be sure and will probably have to at least consider it. Kinda the same thing as when you ask a family friend to write the letter- yes they know you better than some prof, but htey are looking for an objective opinion....



If you haven't recieved a copy yet and are concerned- contact Dal and tell them you haven't recieved a copy and see if your reference could fax them a letter to that effect and basically that letter would be un-ticked. Just an idea.



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Thanks for your replies.


I ended up having the referee write a letter confirming that I was NOT given a copy of the letter or CA Form and asking them to please disregard the first form and replace it with a new form on which she indicated that I have not been given a copy of the letter. I hope they accept this.



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