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my friend is going to singapore? im worried?

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see he's basically doing this because he had a bad first year in university. his exact words during the summer is "why should i go through this, if i could just skip it an become a doctor somewhere else?".


so im just worried that he's making a mistake that he can afford. he even dropped all his science courses and took up all business until he gets his acceptance (which he most likely will get).


i was wondering if i should talk to him more about the subject. i told him already that you will get a better education here, and your chances to come back are slim.


whats you opinion on the matter, should i talk to him more about it?

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I think many of us face the same issue... I mean competition is so fierce in Canada (maybe even more than US med?).... but it really boils down to whether the applicant can afford the hefty overseas tuition fees....


whether it's a better education here or not, i don't know... i guess it really depends on where you want to practice... if he doesn't mind practicing in Singapore in the end, then why not? you are still a doctor in the end, helping people, saving lives.... in the end, he may be very happy becoming a doc in Singapore, you just never know.


sometimes i think we are all caught up with the belief that we just need to hold on tight, overcome all obstacles, and eventually you will reach your goal.... but then i think we need to be realistic, in assessing our own prospects....


i think your friend realizes competition is fierece and that he isn't sure how many years of re-applying he will need to get in... he's got a point when he said, why take another 4 years when I can finish in 5 or 6? re-applying and facing another rejection is pretty darn stressful...


haha i think i'm just being pessimisitic today but i hope what i said made some sense


as a friend, you should help him be aware of the pros and cons... be certain that he didn't make that choice just because he failed one midterm...... many high-school students can't handle the transition from a 95% average student to becoming a 80% average in 1st year....

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