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A roof in Edmonton et al.

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Is it possible to live in the university residences? I'm doing an elective for 4 weeks there from July 30th to August 24th. Do you guys have good resources in Edmonton of sites/where to look for cheap places?


I'll be at the Royal Alex and U of A hospital for 2 weeks each.


Any cool extracurrics to do during that time in the 'ton?





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well you're coming right at festival time. Let's see, I don't remember the exact dates, but I'm pretty sure within your stay is the Jazz Fest, the Fringe, K-Days (or whatever it's called now), Folk fest (I think this may be a bit earlier), a taste of Edmonton/Heritage Days, and probably more that I don't even know about! Check out the city website, or just google these and I'm sure they mostly have websites that will give you more info.

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For drinking, there are a few bars right by campus (Hudson's on Campus, Avenue Pizza and Pub, RATT) which can be really good some nights. As you get a bit further, but still within long-walking/short cab ride distance, you have Whyte ave. and Jasper Ave., which are essential THE two bar streets in Edmonton. Both have a large variety of pubs, clubs and other watering holes. I prefer Jasper Ave myself, partially because the crowd tends to be a bit older.


For outdoors and cultural stuff, muchdutch is right, there are tons of festivals and fairs this time of year. Keep your ears tuned on any radio station or eyes on any newspaper to find out what is coming up. The university is also right on the river valley, so there are literally hundreds of kilometres of hiking/walking/biking trails within reach.


Other things that are close (short bus ride) and fun:

Fort Edmonton (Giant cultural villiage highlighting Edmonton's fur trading beginnings right up to modern times - very fun!!!!)


Valley Zoo - Typical small zoo with storybook theme. Nice for a few hours outdoors.


Muttart Conservatory - Large indoor flower conservatory with areas devoted to arid, temparate, and tropical plants. Very pretty and highly relaxing after a crappy day.


Fine art museums...not too sure. There are lots of places to see amateur theatre, improv theatre etc though.

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I'm also doing an elective at UofA hospital from mid-Aug to mid-Sep. I looked into the university residences, it looks like some of them are full, and the price of others seem a little steep. Any suggestions on where else I can look for accomodations?


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  • 2 months later...
Is anyone familiar with other options for elective housing while in Edmonton? I will be down Oct 27 - Nov 17 (3 weeks) but haven't been able to find a place yet. I will be working south of the U of A hospital.


I'm thinking that contacting the med school might be a good idea. I bet they also have students going away, and it's just a matter of getting matched up with someone. If U of A med has a class website, that'd probably be the best place...otherwise, I'd try e-mailing the school's administration to see if they can give you some pointers

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