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Graduated with a degree, but I need certain prereq's

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I'm originally from Ontario buy moved to AB a few months back with a degree in Nursing. Because I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to med school, I did not take those science electives, such as physics and biochem. Now that I have graduated and would like to pursue medicine, does anyone know how my current GPA and taking individual courses would affect my application? Can I simply take those specific courses and apply, or is a new degree necessary?


I will have to look into more, but hopefully someone can provide some information.


Thank you.

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The UofA admissions requirements states:


1. All applicants to the MD Program must be registered in or have completed a degree program.

2. The minimum requirement for admission to our program is the successful completion of at least two full years of full-time university work (60 units of course weight - 10 full course equivalents) of which one year (30 units of course weight - 5 full course equivalents) must be taken during one academic year. (An academic year is September 1 to April 30 inclusive).


You've already fulfilled this requirement through your nursing degree, so I think it would be ok for you to take the necessary prereqs without enrolling in a second degree program. I'm thinking your cGPA would be determined through your three best years of nursing and your pGPA taken through the courses you have & will be taking.


You should definitely still call admissions to confirm this though.

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