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IP Waitlist

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Hey, has anyone heard anything about the movement of the waitist??? It appears to be moving VERY slowly this year.... usually they accept between 10-22 ppl off of the waitlist, but so far, i've only heard of 1 person.... any thoughts??

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um...yeah it seems to be the same situation for the OOP waitlist and the waitlist at other schools. The only possible reasons I can think of are:


1) more grads this year and more students wanting to become doctors so therefore many in the country only had a few interviews and accepted what they got


2) ontario had the double cohorts graduate this year. A lot of these grads have really high stats and applied everywhere, this explains why the OOP waitlist didn't move, but for in province, I guess the IP's who normally reject manitoba got accepted to an OOP school they would rather go to but this year not that many did get accepted and therefore are going to UMan?


I dunno, these are theories completely made up by me. Let me know if anything above makes any sense at all.



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I don't think they've had the deferral meeting yet. So they probably won't do anything until that's all confirmed. When I spoke to Beth I was told that the ball wouldn't be rolling until the end of the month, so we've got 10 days to go.


I didn't realize the double cohort was graduating this year... bullocks!

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I'm not sure how many ppl were accepted off the waitlist for Manitoba, but I do know that only 3 ppl have been accepted off the waitlist for Dalhousie. This is quite a contrast to the usual 9-11.


It seems as though the competition was extra tough this year.

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